Monday, April 23, 2012

Earth Day in Our Little Corner of the World

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.                             Ralph Waldo Emerson
Snowflakes are one of natures' most fragile things, but just look what they can do when they stick together.                                                         Vesta M. Kelly

With some gal pals
Earth day. I made an effort to eat left-overs and ride my bike instead of drive my truck. Big deal. That's my first thought. My second thought is this: wonder if everyone did that just for today. Better mathematicians than I could come up with a nifty statistic on how much gas and fuel was saved by biking and eliminating an elaborate meal. In my humble opinion, some action toward helping the planet is better than no action at all.

Years ago I read a book by Margaret Meade's daughter [Mary Catherine Bateman] that said in essence, "we should take care of our earth as a good parent takes care of a home and family, with loving devotion." So to my way of thinking, it's the old standards like: a place for everything and everything in it's place, no poisonous substances to harm anyone, if you make a mess take responsibility and clean it up. Doesn't sound too wild does it? So why is it OK for large corporations [who are apparently people too] to pollute, mess up and poison us and not be held responsible?

Right now in the NW we are waging a battle with a coal company who wants to transport, by open rail car, an egregious amount of coal up to Cherry Point, Wa. Did I mention this would be in open box cars with the coal dust flying all over the northwest and oh, yes it for China, not even for the people of this country? Silliness.
Getting our priorities straight is the responsibility of all good citizens of this beautiful earth. We are only here for a relatively short amount of time and while we are we need to pull together to make things better even if it is just our small corner of the world. I can't think of a better way to expend energy than to make sure that future generations have this lush green earth for their children's children.
So and again this is all about love, LOVE YOUR MOTHER! and this case it is mother earth. Go outside and explore, walk gently and look for beauty all around.

susansmagicfeather copyright Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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