Tuesday, April 3, 2018

He Said What?

Dear POTUS, 
Perhaps a sunbeam of light hit you on the head. Perhaps you recently vowed to become more honest. Knowing that you have uttered more than 2,000 lies/falsehoods since you took office, this tiny bit of positivism comes as an enormous shock to all of us women. You must explain yourself! Especially make sense of the fact that you will not acknowledge you own sexual assault behavior.

T,  in what may be your eminent capacity for irony, you have declared April "sexual assault awareness month". My minds reels and cart wheels with this announcement. I had to look this proclamation up in Snopes because I couldn't wrap my head around it. But I know that it's genuine and I read about it in the Seattle Times, on March 31st...I swear I thought they were going to publish this news on April 1 for obvious reasons. That would have made some sense.

Here's a couple of ideas for your Awareness Month: invite Harvey Weinstein, and  Roy Moore on the campaign trail with you to tout the SAA Month. Consider having Stormy Daniels as your good will ambassador. 

Since I have never been a practical joker [as a matter of fact I am admittedly a lousy joke teller] I realize that your announcement was made as a toss off and never considered as a joke. I realize that our you have absolutely no sense of humor and are incapable of finding humor in the hilarious things that people have said about you.  I am perplexed by your inability to see that your supposed sensitivity to sexual assault is unbelievable and unnerving. Sir, this is almost as good as your Melania spearheading the cyber bullying project while married to the worst example of a cyber bully. 

Are you aware that some have called you the "Distractor in Chief"? I freely admit that I have been distracted and befuddled by this ridiculous decree. Again, I ask you to please explain yourself.

Susan R. Grout

susansmagicfeather copyright 2018 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved.