Friday, May 5, 2023

Small Town Therapist on a Human Endangered Species


This may come as no surprise to you but it's not just the bees and the bumble bees that are facing the danger zone, being listed as endangered species. There is a good case to be made for the teachers and students who are becoming more endangered and vulnerable. These good people are literally risking their lives to the ineptitude of Congress----who fail to act on banning assault weapons.. For a moment look up the statistic on how many shootings there have been in our schools in the past nineteen years since 2004. This was when the assault weapons ban was lifted. I'll save you the trouble: 304 children have died and 300,000 children have experienced repercussions of gun violence. This sounds like a statistic for an active war and I believe it is. We are being held hostage by a minority of people who believe that this is acceptable for ordinary citizens to be armed with weapons designed to kill thousands. Live armed and die.

Honestly, most animals care for their young with greater care and concern than we humans are giving to our children and fellow citizens. Can we please stop this nonsense? Yes, of course!  If the all concerned and caring citizens rose up and demanded that the ban for assault weapons go into effect all over this country. Yes, there will still be this gut wrenching number of guns out there in all parts of America. But, think. In every community where there has been an organized 'buy back' of assault weapons the results have been impressive. Many. many people willingly want to rid themselves of weapons of mass destruction. These are the sane people whose thinking hasn't been warped by the NRA. Someone always mentions, yes, but the hunters... Seriously, hunting with a machine gun? You know that's disgusting and an actual joke. Are hunters truly that inept? Real hunters don't use weapons of mass destruction.

People do not feel safer with a gun. Nor should they. Read about the incidences of accidental home shootings and also the suicides. A very sad fact is that a gun doesn't improve safety or even security. Another appalling fact is when a gun is handy the temptation to use it is overwhelming especially to males, young and old. Suicides and accidental shootings most often occur when a gun is not locked up safely. Then witness the nuttiness of some people in Congress proudly posing with their guns--- to show what? How caring they are about humans? How about the opposite.

Speaking of taking away guns, [actually just the ones designed to kill humans in vast numbers], you'll live, literally. Those of us who value children, teachers, neighbors, people of color and women are just trying to give people a chance to thrive. It would be lovely to go back to being unafraid of these stupid slaughters. Again, why should we be held hostage to unjustifiable murders?

It's disheartening to me that some very intelligent people have basically thrown up their hands and said, 'we've lost this battle' due to the huge number of guns in this country. Someone jokingly proposed that we send all of our accumulated assault weapons to Ukraine. I thought "hey, seriously, that's a brilliant idea, the Ukrainians are in an actual righteous war against Russia who is trying to steal their land and also horribly are kidnapping their babies". Hateful government. Send them the weapons. Think of the heartache it would save our poor beleaguered country and the dollars saved to do this act of kindness.
I believe the point of this blog post today is to plead with all rational people to support the ban on assault weapons. Don't give up. To quote Winston Churchill "never, never, never give up."

susansmagicfeather 2023 Susan R. Grout

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