Monday, September 20, 2021



Blessed are the all the teachers for they are most needed and give love and knowledge for they shall receive admiration and gratitude. 

Blessed are the migrants for they teach us about hope, striving and diligence and they shall received a place.

Blessed are the homeless for they show us that all is not equal and they shall find shelter. 

Blessed are the single mothers for they demonstrate bravery in their actions and they shall be given understanding and caring by all who witness them.

Blessed are the healthcare workers who toil relentlessly for our welfare for they will be acknowledged and glorified by all those they touch.

Blessed are the grieving who feel so alone in their sorrow for they shall be comforted by all who know them.

Blessed are the grocery store workers for they have kept us fed and sane in our hours of need and they shall be thanked and praised.

Blessed are the musicians for they have allowed us to feel moments of rapture despite hard times and they shall fulfill us and themselves as well. 

Blessed are the writers who write all alone and pour out their wisdom in the quest to improves our lives for they shall be ordained prophets and reap accolades.

Blessed are the ones who keep our electricity running, our street lights shining, our roads smooth, our bridges safe and our water clean for they shall be rewarded by the fruits of their labors.

Blessed are those politicians  and peace officers who work for the greater good, who are selfless in their task to keep our country free from tyrants, bullies, cons, and grifters for they shall be repaid in the belief that future generations are safe.

Blessed are the families that are raising responsible children to become good citizens of our earth, to help to enrich this poor earth with goodness and intelligence for they shall inherit a future that they can then make better for all.

Blessed are the people who are different, who don't fit into a comfortable category in humanity's lexicon for they shall find their niche and teach us how to look and think differently.

Blessed are those who we take for granted who do little tasks that make our lives easier with little or no acknowledgement for they must be acknowledged and seen. 


susansmagicfeather  2021 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved.