Friday, November 24, 2017

Combating Fatigue and Robin Hoodlum

These are the times that try men [and women's] souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country, but those that stand it now, deserves the love and thanks of men [and women]. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.            Thomas Paine

I know one thing we did right
Was the day we started to fight.   Keep your eye on the prize, hold on, hold on.                                                                                                 a traditional civil rights movement song
  Each day is fresh hell from the #45 administration. Each day they are  wrecking havoc with our cherished democracy and ruining all of the values that we hold dear in the country. Values like respect, caring about the poor and homeless, appreciating intelligence and promoting science, allowing kindness in dealing with people---these  are all either mocked or gone by the way side. 

Gone are the days of the years from 2008 to 2016 when we heard rational, thoughtful directions from our leader. Obama revived our standing in the world that the Bush/Cheney administration had nearly ruined with that stupid unnecessary war. [I still want Cheney to write a check to every soldier,from the $3 billion in profits that he bilked from the war]. 

Now we are lied to on a daily basis, sneeringly insulted [especially women] and distracted while utter nonsense is muttered from the White House. It would be understandable to be so very discouraged as to want to give up the fight altogether. Don't.

Those with vast sums of money to be made from this administration are trying to convince to give up. The truth is that they are swiping your rights and taking money from your pocket. 
They are claiming there will be more jobs and money. Patently untrue.  We must oppose this money grab. Don't believe them. To wit the current tax bill that now sits in the Senate. It is the ultimate steal from the poor give to the rich tax bill. In days of yore the taxes on the richest of us were incredibly high:

The Revenue Act of 1935, 49 Stat. 1014 (Aug. 30, 1935), raised federal income tax on higher income levels, by introducing the "Wealth Tax". It was a progressive tax that took up to 75 percent of the highest incomes. It was signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Roosevelt got us out the depression and gave us the treasure of the WPA program putting people to work, fixing the roads and building in the national parks. These are in communities all across this country that are still loving almost 90 years since their creation. Obama got us out of the debacle that Bush/Cheney inflicted on us--- the great recession--- with the Iraq war and the shady deals allowed by the housing industry.  Neither of them considered giveaways to the people who were fabulously wealthy. They actually wanted to help the average citizen and help our country recover.

Isn't one of the most loving things that Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed told their followers was to love one another? Interestingly this includes feeding the hungry, helping the sick, clothing the poor, caring for the children. Isn't that obvious to all of us? Apparently not to this administration. 

Join in the fight, pace yourself surely but "don't give up, never give up." [Winston Churchill and Train]

susansmagicfeather copyright 2017 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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