Monday, May 16, 2022

Expect More BS from the Right Wing

This destruction of our children, our people, has got to stop. There is every reason to not sit on the fence about this issue. If the legislatures are too cowardly to step up to the NRA and the weapons lobbies, then they should lose their jobs. We, citizens need to clamor for justice in the form of outlawing these assault weapons. Australia did just that in 1996 and they've not had another slaughter since then.  

Give me one good reason a citizen needs to own/use an assault weapon. One. The truth? There's money to be made by the evil weapon manufacturers so they try to convince people that it's their right. Don't be fooled, really it's greed, pure and simple. It's stupidity to be cowed by these people and absolute foolishness to overlook the greed element. Don't the people in the NRA have children, grandchildren, a heart? Ask them.

How on earth can anyone prevent mass murder? Truthfully, I'm not sure we can predict who'd be a candidate for such a huge heinous crime. But we certainly don't need to glamorize it, nor to endlessly focus on it. Wouldn't it be great if instead the focus was on prevention? Wouldn't it be great if we would have licenses that actually screened for suspicious behavior, and licenses for responsibility and competence with a weapon? We do after all license our cars and our citizen who drive those cars. Another thing, I've heard it said that we can't hold the gun sellers responsible for the crimes committed by the criminals. We hold the bartenders and restaurateurs responsible for a drunk who has left their establishment and ends up killing someone in a car accident. Fat chance, I realize, to get the lawmakers to toughen our laws, but it's a nice fantasy of mine and a good idea. Better than the nothing that's normally done after each of these horrendous murders. Nothing.

I was so impressed by the very young adults from Stoneman Douglas high school who  stood up to all of the adults in this country with their articulate demand for gun control. It is not going to take a village, it is going to take a country united against the slaughter of innocents. I was deeply saddened that it's taken the deaths of 17 more innocents [by another lone young white man apparently a white supremacist sympathizer] to rally and take a strong stand against the NRA. Was it the adults? No, it was the young high school students who are taking the strong stand against the NRA. They are unafraid of that organization and are calling out all of the politicians who are the NRA's toadies--- bowing and scraping for the generous bloody handouts. 

“They say that tougher gun laws do not decrease gun violence — we call B.S.!” she continued as a chorus of supporters echoed her. “They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun — we call B.S.! They say guns are just tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars — we call B.S.! They say that no laws could have been able to prevent the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred — we call B.S.! That us kids don’t know what we’re talking about, that we’re too young to understand how the government works — we call B.S.!”             Emma Gonzales a student at Stoneman Douglas H.S.

They have called B.S. on the "it's not time to talk about guns... it's time to grieve". As Emma said, "this is how we grieve, we want action on gun control." 

Vote, recruit your friends and family to take up the cause for action. Donate to one of the very worthy organizations that are helping to pass gun legislation. Be kind to your neighbor, volunteer and do take good care of  yourself. A nice way to do this is to forest bathe or just take a walk and smile at your neighbors. You never know who is going to need your help. Love is always welcome, neighbor.

susan r. grout 2022

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