Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Pandemic Energy and Saving Sanity

 During this pandemic there's been a flurry of remodeling going on all over the country.  People, trapped in their homes and apartments have started looking around at their surrounding and wondering. I see them putting their finger to the side of their faces and internally saying, "hmm" as they view their territory.  "What can I change to make this a nicer in this place?"  I notice from looking recent at magazines and newspaper articles that the trend is toward redoing everything. Nothing is safe or left untouched. 

I am a big one for going all in and painting one wall of a room with a semi vibrant color as shown above with the mellow blue jean wall that holds my families lovely array of  paintings. Now it's November and though I feared the blue might make things look dreary in my rainy country, in fact this color looks comforting and homey. One wall and that changes the feel of the living room, to me at least. I'm fairly sure my dear Mr. G hasn't noticed the wall or any change at all. [I have often remarked that I could dye my hair black with nary a comment from my husband.]

Granted the "nothing left untouched mode", although it's extreme, there's  nothing wrong about it. This is the luxury: we're getting active and busy in the time of the plague. Since we're all in lock down in one way or another, we might as well make good constructive use of our time. For some this is a delicious exercise like mine--- walls that are dingy are getting brightened up, floors that needed attention are being fixed, projects like leaky faucets are being repaired. Some have even taken to remodeling their entire households starting with the kitchen.  The DIY's are rejoicing at the time and energy to revel in the changes. Truly a blessing in a weird times in all of our lives, worldwide. 

 Those of us fortunate enough to have a home are so blessed. Those without secure housing are in agony and fear and we shouldn't forget them. It's a time to be generous to those less fortunate than ourselves---do you hear me? oh you millionaires and billionaires? Taxes cut for those who absolutely didn't need it. Silliness has ruled for four years...

But now we're in the ninth month of what could have been a much less tragic and shorter pandemic in the U.S. It's so sad that the current administration made an issue of divisiveness instead of  cooperation. Literal life saving measures like wearing masks were  branded "unmanly" and disloyal to the big T. The President has held super spreader rallies, not only in violation of the Hatch act but at the cost of lives. He clearly doesn't care. It really angers me to know that literally we, the people, are paying for his rallies. Hopefully it will all end in January with a Democratic administration. 

It's a sadness and a shame that we can't seem to muster the attitude that our country had during WWII, "we're all in this together, no sacrifice is too small"!. People helped each other for the war effort. No, we've been harassed for the simple act of not spreading the disease by wearing a mask. Those in charge have encouraged discord and today, as I write the national guard is on stand by in many cities for fear of the right wing extremists, the ones who were described as "very fine people" by Mr. T. 

I'm trying not to hold my breath but I am longing for a soak in my bathtub with inspirational books as a distraction. I will turn into a prune but it's for such a good cause, my sanity. 
                         Holding up the world with strength and hope. 
    susansmagicfeather copyright 2020  Susan R. Grout  all rights reserved

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