Monday, November 7, 2016

When Anxiety Is Running the Kentucky Derby In Your Life

A lot of people are afraid of heights, not me I'm afraid of widths.       Stephen Wright

Some families fight depression and must learn ways to overcome it. Not ours, it's anxiety that races through the family faster than the horses at the Kentucky Derby.   Susan Grout

There are many therapeutic blogs out there giving outstanding advice on how to deal with anxiety. I've found personally that curing yourself of anxiety is entirely personal. Some believe that there's a universal remedy like taking even slow cleansing breaths, and trust me this does help.  However, lately we've all had days of nail biting stress, now it's time to call in the horse trainers to still the racing thoughts.

Since this is entirely personal I will regale you with my own favorite stress/anxiety reducers. 

  1. I paint. Not portraiture or pastoral scenes but the walls of my house. Nothing calms me more than this activity and the intense satisfaction of seeing a wall that's dull and tired become bright and beautiful. 
  2. I play guitar and sing. Mind you, this is not a concert worthy quality performance but the sheer joy of expression is always deeply appreciated by me. I say, "Sing as though no one is listening", and by god no one is...
  3. I do yoga, several postures almost every day such as the cat/cow, tree pose, plank and Warriors I, II and III.
  4. If I have trouble sleeping and my mind is restless, the three part breath is quite useful. The act of filling up the body with new breath leads to new thoughts and encourages calm thoughts.
    Action and charity combined
  5. Forest bathing: I do as the Japanese recommend and get out to a forest and drink in the purity of the trees.
  6. Become a knit wit: I love to watch movies and knit. My latest project is knitting head bands that I then donate to the Thrift shop or "Nana's House" a little store that allows kids from 2 to 12 to purchase inexpensive items to give to their families at Xmas.
  7. Write a check to your favorite charity or send a thank you note to someone who has done a kindness to you. Works for me.
  8. Get out of the house. I love to ride my bike when the weather is better than the constant rain we've had, but walking in the rain is pleasant.
A sneaky way I have of ridding myself of anxiety is to give ideas and therapy tips away. So thanks for reading, I appreciate you all. 

Loving is doing so if you are being exceptionally loving to yourself [as I have been today] it really helps to reduce the anxiety load. Gives a new meaning to 'hold your horses' and certainly quiets the internal Kentucky Derby. 

susansmagicfeather  copyright 2016 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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