Friday, December 4, 2015

On Promoting Positive Changes

Another terrorist attack this time in San Bernardino, Ca. and my greatest fear is that the nation will fall asleep yet again and do nothing. It is going to take a huge concerted effort to change this country's mind set from the hopeless/helpless mode into the activitist mode but I believe it can be done.

After the tragedy in Roseburg, Oregon I saw that it's necessary to point out how inadequate our discussion of gun control truly is. I was surprised to read that the spokes person for the NRA wrote an article in the Seattle Times proclaiming that it is not the guns, but the mentally ill who are doing all the killing and we need better care for them. Well, yes, that is partly true. This was certainly not true of the terrorist couple in San Bernardino. On the other hand it is hand guns, assault rifles, machine guns and guns left unlocked in people's homes that are killing our children and citizens. It is not one thing that accounts for all these tragedies. Many changes must be made. It is not an "either/or" argument but a both/and statement. 

Here is the part that is correct: we do need more protection for all our citizens from the violent mentally ill with suicidal tendencies. Here is the part pointedly omited: we need, today, to get rid of the assault weapons, and the machine guns and we need stronger background checks and we need to make it mandatory that every citizen who owns a gun have it properly locked up. So many preventable accidents have happened because guns were carelessly available to children and depressed or violent individuals. What is so frightening about having background checks in place? Why on earth does any citizen need to own an assault rifle or a machine gun? Think people, why does the NRA bribe politicians? who do you suppose are the biggest donaters and promoters of the NRA? Why,  it would be the arms manufacturers! What a stunning suprise! If the NRA and all it's members are so passionate about "it's all the fault of the mentally ill" exactly where are their enormous financial contributions to prevention and treatment programs for the mentally ill? I ask you. Surprised again?

I find it unbelievably sad that one of the richest countries in the world incarcerates the mentally ill in jails all over our country. Ask anyone who works in the prisons and they'll tell you that there are many inmates who just don't belong there. First up are the mentally ill who stop taking their medications and then awful things ensue from them or to them. Mostly they get taken advantage of and get arrested for being out of line. They truly are out of line and out of their minds but no one is asking, that's too complicated. What do we do with them? Into the slammer they go where the possibility of treatment is zilch. No treatment at all. This is not only sad but nutty if you do a cost analysis. [google and see what several years ago Connecticut's Governor concluded]. This has to stop. The truth is a tiny percent of the people who are mentally are dangerous and violent. Still we, thanks to starting with the Reagan administration, are ignoring prevention, intervention and treatment programs for the mentally ill.  Why is no one addressing this issue?  Out of sight out of mind, really simplistic thinking for an otherwise advanced society.

So happily the NRA is going to put their money where their mouth is, right? They claim they are concerned, so it only makes logical sense that they would step up. Right?

Speaking of concern exactly what, if anything, is going on in the heads of many people who value the lives of some animals over the lives of people? These individuals went cuckoo when the picture of the magnificent Cecil the lion was murdered in Africa by the smug dentist and wanted ACTION NOW for that horrible event. [It was sickening...]Yet where are they with all that energy to aid in the fight against the mass murders right here, right now in our own country of innocent people, even children? Is it because it's people and not animals that are being murdered? Surely we have evolved with enough emotional maturity to have some empathy for human suffering. How is praying for the families and then supporting the NRA, or the people who are beholden to the NRA not a travesty?

This can be changed. If the Aussies can do it we can too. It's been almost 20 years since they have had a terrorist attack in their country. They outlawed assault weapons. Who is going to stand up to the NRA, the arms manufacturers?  Clearly we can't count on the politicians who are accepting "donations" from them.  What is needed is outlawing assault weapons, outlawing any future gun that can rapidly maim or kill people, insisting on background checks, allowing for a 72 hour wait period, at least.

What gives with the vehemence and cruelty denying those of us who would prefer some order and sense in dealing with guns instead of this outmoded 19th century old west approach? It shouldn't shock you to know when cars were new in the early part of the last century there was a terrible fight to have no speed limits, no stop signs, no traffic cops...surely you see where I'm going with this. A car can be a lethal weapon and needs to be regulated and those who misuse their privilege are punished. So tell me why this cannot apply to guns? This is 2015, 100 years after the fight for traffic/automobile rules and regulations. We need something this definitive for the entire gun industry and we are going to have to demand it.

Those of you who are in the state of  Washington, please join me in support of the Washington Alliance for Gun Responsibility with a check. But all of us need to take action. One way is to text 64433, it is for the organization called "Everytown" They state,  "Today and every day we come together to say: WE CAN end gun violence". Please do this, we can't just give up. That is hopeless/helpless thinking and just exactly where abusive people want you to be. Here is a good article about the NRA: Mother Jones piece, “The NRA is Losing Its Grip on Power.”

I just got this update that the US Senate just voted down 2 strong gun bills.  Contact these legislators, tell them they are on notice. Next, encourage them to take MANY steps to eliminate violence and senseless death by guns in this country. Tell them, "the repercussion for these unethical acts, against the will of the people, is that we will donate to your opponents in the next election." 

about to blow my top over the inactivity on the gun issues.

susansmagicfeather copyright 2015 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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