Monday, August 6, 2012

The Thing With Feathers

Hope is the thing with feathers---
That perches in the soul---
And sings the tune without the words---
And never stops--at all---
Emily Dickinson
When you consider all of the problems that can befall someone, having a hip that needs repair seems fairly insignificant. That is, I might add, for those who are not in the throws of facing surgery and having to wait more than two months while in pain. Not fun. However, I'm quite sure that I'll get in prior to the two months estimated time limit. I have hope. Foolish? False? Not sure, don't care.

Hope is a peculiar beast, definitely more an owl than a vulture. And I am a creature of my era because I can have the owl perching on my soul. I am going to have the most modern and helpful of techniques: a total hip replacement. If this was fifty years ago, I would be one of those prematurely old women hobbling around with my cane, no hope of recovery. You see, as I did my own X-rays, my hip is "very deteriorated", bone on bone. Even I felt sorry for my poor little left hip when my husband and I gazed at the X-rays in the doctor's office. My right hip, bless its stalwart bones, looks textbook beautiful and I'm not sure I've ever, until now, been in love with a bone prior to gazing on its perfect looking X-ray. I'm thanking the stars that I won't have to have another surgery.

It has never been, and never will be, easy work! But the road that is built in hope is more pleasnat to the traveler than the road built in despair, even though they lead to the same destination.                                        Marion Zimmer Bradley

I am in the business of hope based on more than thirty five years of counseling people on how to live their life differently. Counseling is nothing if it's not mind expanding, world enlarging and option giving. I guess what I most love about it, is watching the person before me come to the AH! It has to be their AH! and that's why one of my familiar statements to my clients is, "do you have to do everything that I say?" Because, of course, the answer is NO! I have loads of ideas and experience but it has got to be the shining light in the other's mind, eyes and heart that is just right for them.

susansmagicfeather copyright 2012 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved


  1. Oh Susan, I'm sorry about the hip. I must admit it is a concept I'm having trouble getting my head around: you, active, energetic, in motion, you are clearly way too young to need a hip replacement. HOWever, I understand that aside from the sheer inconvenience of being laid up, that the results are marvelous: painlessness, mobility. So here's to new hips and knees and other oddments that extend our enjoyment of life, and remind us, life is there to enjoy. Love your new blog look. XOXOXOXO

    1. Laurie, as always, you are the best medicine! Hip-hip hooray to the future. Best to you.
