Saturday, March 8, 2014

What All of Us Stand to Lose

"My paintings never turn out the way I want them to but I'm never surprised". Andy Warhol
Mom and Mr. G at the Milwaukee Art Museum
Charity is no substitute to justice withheld.                                               St. Augustine
Awhile ago I listened to Anna Quinlen on Terry Gross's show 'Fresh Air'  and brought up tons of memories on how it was to be a woman growing up in the era where certain rights, [that today's young women take for granted] were not present. My own Mother, rest her soul said, "when I'd get my period, I'd slide right off the toilet and on to my knees in thanksgiving." Yes, it's funny-- but can you imagine? She also said, "I had six beautiful children by the rhythm method" and knew that she couldn't physically, mentally, financially or emotionally handle another baby. The Catholic Church at that time was much more condemning and frightening to their women parishioners. The priest would lecture the women to have more babies from their lofty pulpits with little regard to the woman's circumstances. Today most Catholics, thank God, ignore that dictum and plan their families with the help of birth control. Yet also today, control of family planning and birth control is constantly being challenged by the leading Republicans. What is this? It's simple: they want to control what goes on with a woman and her body. Especially poor women. Pretty nutty, huh?

I am divided on how to approach this issue. Part of me wants to enjoy the good rollicking laugh that all of the comedians can have with this issue. The other part of me is horrified to think that all of the blood, sweat and tears [literally, folks] that we put into attaining the right to privacy between a woman and her physician could be jeopardized. That this right could up and vanish is utter foolishness. Hillary Clinton said it best, "we [Americans] are the ones who have to show the world that women's rights are human rights." Dear people, isn't that obvious? Otherwise, what does the lack of rights imply? Women are not human? Doesn't that sound exactly like the argument that was made in 1700's about slaves?

So, you might say that I'm indignant to have this battle in front of us repeatedly. I am. I can truly understand why this issue would be of little importance to older men. What do they care if it's difficult for a woman to have access to birth control or abortion. However, I find it fascinating that first in line with their teen age daughters in the abortion clinics are all of the fundamentalist. That is marginally better than in other countries where the offending female is stoned to death by the males in her family. [Now, who was it that got her pregnant?]

This control of a woman's body should be a non issue. We have a big world to save from wars, starvation, climate change, illiteracy, hatred and greed. So what's with some politicians that all they can find to talk about is withholding a woman's right to privacy with her doctor?
Mom and I

Do me a favor. Please mock any and all attempts to take away a woman's right to privacy. Mark it 'like' any time support of woman's rights are mentioned. In addition, when anyone brings up the supposedly viable candidate who is against human rights, vote them down. If they are not laughed at and voted down we are looking square in the face of, not the 1950's, but more accurately the 1700's. What's next on the agenda, witch hunts? I'd be a goner for sure. So help save Susan Grout from the stake!

susansmagicfeather  copyright 2014 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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