Wednesday, January 18, 2012

White Out

Real difficulties can be overcome it is only the imaginary ones that are unconquerable.                                    Theodore Roosevelt
If you will call your troubles experiences and remember that every experience develops some latent force within you, you will grow vigorous and happy, however adverse your circumstances may seem to be.          
                                                             John R. Miller
It is white outside. When I woke this morning it was snowing so hard it could have been called a white out. I am like a child about the snow, I want to be out there frolicking. I want to build snowmen, snowballs, sled, ski and romp like a puppy. I can't today, I'm still sick with my laryngitis and know it would be foolish. Well, perhaps only a small walk, but then maybe my cross country skiing...

I talked with my husband this morning and told him "I'm going to ski the mile out to our truck [see yesterday's post on The Balancing Act] and put on the chains so I can drive to town." "Don't do anything dumb or dangerous," he said and I replied, "dumb and dangerous are my middle names." Made me laugh and hey, I try every day to be aware and amused, right?

I've been on 'overload worry' today. First, I called Mr. G's office and his secretary told me he was at the doctor's office "because yesterday he was complaining of pains in his left arm." Ugh. That hit me right in the heart. Here I am stuck with half of a foot of snow, sixty miles, snowy icy miles, between me and my love. Not the best feeling I've ever had.

Next my doctor called me to tell me my blood results were still funny [not ha-ha] and I need to see a specialist. Seems like overkill to me when my only symptom is excessive burping---seriously.

A bit later, I got a call from my neighbor and she needed the horses fed an extra time because of the extreme weather. So I did strap on my skis and skied down to the barn. After wrestling with the hay, and providing them with some water, I decided to take a small jaunt down the road. The wind was howling, the drifts were 2 feet in some places and I didn't get very far, but I needed to do that. It was so clear and white and fresh, it cleared my head. I turned back after going only half a mile because it was ardous. So much for my bravado of "I'm going to ski the mile and back to our truck." Ha, one fourth that distance in this weather was enough for me.

Finally Mr. G called back and indeed he was at the Doctor's clinic getting throughly checked out but quickly added, "everything looks fine so far." He's having more tests  Friday and won't be home until Saturday. Good thing for two reasons. One I want to stop worrying about him and applaud the tests and two, I can't get to the truck to pick him up on Friday with these snowy conditions.

I managed to have a very good day. I made Crunch Cookies and a fabulous bread, I skiied, I played the guitar, I made "snow cream" [snow with maple syrup and cream]. It's night now and I've enjoyed my time writing to you in this blog dear reader, you are good company. Now I'm going to write in my journal, watch a movie, read my book and then to bed. Do I know how to live and show myself a great time, or what?

susansmagicfeather copyright 2012 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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