There's something in me that's joyous. I don't hate hardly ever and when I love, I love for miles and miles, a love so big it should either be outlawed or it should have a capital and it's own currency. Carrie Fisher
All that is necessary to make this world a better place to live is to love---to love as Christ loved as Buddha loved. Isadora DuncanTo be loved is fabulous, rich and wonderful. However, the greater pleasure far and away, if there was a contest, is to be loving. Being loving increases your joy twelvefold. I have this on the best of authorities: me.
Dear readers,
If I had the privilege to live ten lifetimes I am not sure I could properly thank all of the people in my life it has been my honor to love. This includes you. They bring me joy continuously, and I couldn't feel any luckier or happier. I have so many people that I love.
One of the keys to my own happiness [and I urge in my clients to do the same] is to stick closely to my/their internal wisdom. A personal example I give is in 1992 when my husband got a new job and moved ninety miles away, I didn't. Back then it was not as common for couples to live separately and I had many a person come up to me and say "when are you moving?" When I'd say, "I'm not." They would then add, "oh, no! Are you divorcing?" "No," I'd say, "I just don't think I should move." Kind of a whimpy response but there was something in me that just knew that I belonged here, in our small town with my practice. Turns out, through no fault of his own, there were budget cuts and he lost that job after only nine months. That would have decimated my practice, and I'd have to move back home to pick up the pieces. Oh, the money and heartache that would have cost me. So, the end result is I'm truly grateful that my gut came through for me.
Different strokes for different folks. Sly and the Family Stone
The gut and internal wisdom also came through for Mr. G, he could have given up and moved home too but something in him enabled him to weather that storm, find eventually the perfect job in another small town. He was closer to home and came home every week end. He was fulfilled in his very busy and important work as I was in mine.
Much love, Susan
susansmagicfeather copyright 2012 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved
It really is that simple. And that hard. I love you too Sue-San