around in circles with no stops
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness. Jeanne-Jacque Rousseau
The liberty of thought is the life of the soul. Voltaire
I've been continually stewing about this. I'm sad and angry that there is so much silliness that's being bantered about in our country when the real and serious issues are neglected, ignored or worse---the opposite, hatred is championed. There is one outraged parent after another, especially in some states, that are infuriated that their little children might have a book read to them by a person in an outrageous costume. Isn't that called art? Doesn't that happen constantly in theater? These are people who bring joy and have a good time and are filled with joy of being able to read a book to little ones. This brought terror into the hearts of the truly narrow minded who suspect danger.
Interestingly these are the same people who are terrified of books. Rather than allowing freedom of expression for books they are swiping, burning, obliterating the books they disapprove of. The mentality is "if I don't like it, no one should". Hence we currently have books being removed from our public schools and libraries at an alarming rate. They are also terrified that teachers might show a 600 year old statue of David by Michelangelo, OMG who is -gasp- naked. What's next, cupids? They are terrifyingly naked too and babies! So scary for children, to view the naked body.
These puritans talk about banning everything they don't like and yet attack the "left" for cancel culture. Really, has no one made the connection that they are perpetuating, "do as I say, not as I do".
If we are going to truly create a more reasonable list of things to be terrified or fearful of--- especially for children, let's look at what really is most dangerous. If you Goggle 'most lethal for children' here's the list:
1. Firearms- kill nearly 5 in every 100,000 children. Read it again, please.
2. Motor vehicles
3. Cancer
4. Congenital malformations
5. Assault
6. Heart disease
So, I humbly ask you where is the deep concern about our children? Certainly there must be some interest in curbing death in childhood by firearms, assault, car accidents or cancer? Where is the outrage that we've allow all these guns to proliferate, and that we don't adequately fund scientific research? I don't hear any screaming about that. No, the screams are reserved for the Drag Queens reading books, or taking away the murderous assault weapons, or the books that these puritans find offensive, or that their children might see a naked human being. To me that is immoral and outrageous. Let there be logic and rational thinking, says naïve, foolish me. Think! Homosexuality is not killing our children, it's the guns stupid.I sometimes despair that common sense will ever come to this country. Those who have been swaying public opinion are responsible for outlawing weapons bans, the very bans we desperately need. Then they consistently cry fowl if the 2nd amendment isn't strictly adhered to, the one that was written in the 1791. By that measure only muskets should be allowed and I, for one, am all for it.
Imagine with muskets: "I'm going to shot you but don't move--- first I have to load this musket and you hold still while I fire a shot... hey you're running away. I cry foul!" Strictly speaking for the 2nd amendment that is the truth. No, instead we allow guns that allow mass murder, for what? To protect exactly who?
If we can't end our differences at least we can make the world safe for diversity. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Can't we celebrate people who come in every shape, color and orientation in this great country? If we are serious about loving and protecting our children it would be from the maliciousness of the supporters of the assault weapons. Vote them out of office, you know they're just in it for the money.
Hope springs from love. Loving is doing. Protest for our children's lives and help to ban assault weapons. At the very least it makes good sense.
susansmagicfeather 2023 Susan R. Grout
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