It is not enough to know what is right. Courage also is needed to do what is right. Arthur Dobrin
A conservative is someone who demands a square deal for the rich. David Frost
It is a truth universally acknowledged that humans want clean air and clean water and a safe place for their children and grandchild to grow up. Surprise! this is not acknowledged by the current GOP administration, that is busily doing the opposite. Dirty air, fine! we need more coal dust and to blow up the regulations that protect the air. As for the precious resource of clean water just look to all the ineffectiveness of fixing Flint, Michigan. That community is just one of hundreds across the land who have problems with their water. Fracking has polluted the water in all the areas where they're in business. If you doubt what I say, go ahead, you drink that water--- those of you who support or profit from fracking.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy, that is the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness. J.K. GalbraithRight now the GOP administration ---no surprise--- is inept, but much, vastly worse than inept, it is mean spirited and vengeful. just look to the current use of cages and jails on the people seeking asylum to this country. This is comparatively almost as awful as what we did to the Japanese during WW2. Remember no German Americans were held in prison camps, referred to as "internment camps".
The current GOP administration has appointed people, mostly men, that have neither the education nor the experience to do the jobs he has placed them in. This is an abomination, especially to all of us who are going to have to deal with judges who are right wing conservative [white supremacists] and unqualified. Since this is an appointment for life usually the presidents in the past appointed men and women who were fair, level headed and uninfluenced by politics. That definition has been blown up by the GOP administration.
Being unqualified and bigoted goes double for the plethora of mean spirited, disruptive, men being placed in our governmental agencies. Have mercy on the poor employees of those agencies who have toiled for years to create a better world for us and our children. They are being dealt a heavy blow in the form of inept leaders who openly wanted to destroy their agencies.
Some fellows get credit for being conservative when they are only stupid. Kin HubbardOne of the worst was Scott Pruitt head of the EPA who eliminating scientists from the EPA. This is the Environmental Protection Agency. This administration wants to cause its demise and further create havoc with the environment for profit for the few rich men. I guess they don't care that there are problems on our earth: bees poisoned with pesticides, birds with no proper habitat... How can anyone not love the birds and the bees? I don't know, ask a Republican.
A most important question is this: would it ever occur to you to hire these unqualified people? Doesn't everyone hire the most qualified person to fulfill the tasks at hand? This is depraved or stupid, take your pick.
One of the reasons for this ineptitude is that the current administration wants these agencies to fail. The touting rhetoric from many Republicans over the years has been "kill the beast!" meaning the governmental agencies that work for the good of all the citizens. Ironically these Republicans ran on that platform, got elected, got their health care, got their pensions and have piece by piece set out to destroy our government except for themselves and the very richest Americans. Proof positive is the tax bill that passed the House and Senate. It gives a huge tax deduction to the wealthiest of our citizens with, gee wiz, guess who's first in line? American people are being sold about the old "trickle down" trick which has NEVER worked and will not work now. This, folks, is reverse Robin Hood. This is it's evil twin: Robin Hoodlum.
Stop the Robin Hoodlums. Vote Democrats. Consider donations to local candidates who are Democrats, and donations to the organizations who are fighting for you and our children and grandchildren. Restore your rights, vote for a country that is honest and spreads good will not hatred like the GOP. Help, don't just complain or despair. That's the GOP's wish that we would sit back, close our eyes and get robbed blind.
susansmagicfeather copyright 2018 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved
Wow Susan!!!! You have said it all. I saw a bracelet that said "Voting Is My Super Power". I am going to make a pin that says the same. Some people in the U.S. seem to have lost their Moral Compass. Let's help them find it---Vote.
ReplyDeleteJanet Wright