Monday, January 23, 2017

Women Will Save The World

A slice of the wonderful energy from the Seattle March
If you can make people believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities.                     Voltaire 
I am continually baffled by the acceptance of T supporters for all the ridiculous things he does, says and tweets. Really, the bar is so low for his beliefs and actions that it's about six feet under. With the true believers of T apparently there's no deal breaker. Can you think of one?

For example, the "underestimate" that is being argued about endlessly and senselessly by T and his minions concerning the number of people attending his Inauguration is funny. Get real folks, we have pictures to disprove their false claims. Instead they are trying to feed the American public "alternative facts". Facts are facts folks. Look up the word in the dictionary or google it. Facts are facts. Hasn't anyone mentioned to T that there's a country to be run with real issues to address like climate change, women's rights, the plight of immigrants, and job creation to name just a few. But no. T's crisis is that he's jealous that Obama had one third more people attending the 44th Inauguration that the 45th.  If you live in the world of "alternative facts" let me modestly propose a few to you. I am without qualification the best, most articulate, sexiest woman you will ever, ever meet. All of my writings and thoughts are golden and original and the best thoughts you will ever come across, in fact they are beautiful, so beautiful you won't believe it.

Here  is an underestimation that I can attest to and get behind. I had the privilege of attending The Seattle Woman's March on the 1/21/17. The estimate was for 50,000 people. The actual number was almost three times the projected number. It was calm, exhilarating, peaceful, determined, amusing, creative, lively and so loving. Did anyone estimate that in the whole world 56 million people would march in solidarity with the Woman's march? The 56 million declared their support for women's rights, declaring that science is not a liberal conspiracy, that Planned Parenthood is needed and helps women, that we do need Affordable Health Care, that Medicare should never be privatized and that we are collectively appalled that a man who sexually assaults women is allowed to live in the White House. We have a vast array of pictures from around the world proving that T is unpopular and unsupported by more that 56 million people world wide. So it turns out and with great irony, that T did successfully unite people--- world wide. T united all of us against misogyny, vulgarity, lies, disrespect, anti-intellectualism and immaturity. This is not who we are, this is not how any of the other nations want our leaders to be. By definition what narcissists want is what is good for them. Wealth? Yep, at the expense of others, yep. The ex President in Gambia just ran off with the entire wealth of the country when he fled office. Is this what we have in store for us? My bet is yes, on him feeding his greed frenzy and impoverishing the country. Any bets to the contrary?

How could anyone ever tell you
you were anything less than beautiful?   Kate Wolf
How difficult is it to grasp that women's rights are human rights? Ask any 4 to 11 year old girl about how they feel about being a female and a human. They will look at you like you are crazy. Of course they are human. Yet this silliness is what is being fed to many women world wide that they are less than human and so should be paid less money for equal work, less respected verbally and physically, less listened to because their opinions don't count as much as their male counterparts. These little girls will tell you in no uncertain terms how very stupid this is. Just look at them. Girls are beautiful. They are to be cherished. We hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal.

Sadly, a man in the highest office in the world is saying/has said it's not a problem to grab their genitals. Is this what you want for your daughters, granddaughters, babies, teens, nieces, cousins, young women, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends? This cannot be tolerated and women all over the world just declared WE ARE GRABBING BACK. Watch out!

susansmagicfeather copyright 2017 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

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