Monday, January 23, 2017

Women Will Save The World

A slice of the wonderful energy from the Seattle March
If you can make people believe absurdities, you can get them to commit atrocities.                     Voltaire 
I am continually baffled by the acceptance of T supporters for all the ridiculous things he does, says and tweets. Really, the bar is so low for his beliefs and actions that it's about six feet under. With the true believers of T apparently there's no deal breaker. Can you think of one?

For example, the "underestimate" that is being argued about endlessly and senselessly by T and his minions concerning the number of people attending his Inauguration is funny. Get real folks, we have pictures to disprove their false claims. Instead they are trying to feed the American public "alternative facts". Facts are facts folks. Look up the word in the dictionary or google it. Facts are facts. Hasn't anyone mentioned to T that there's a country to be run with real issues to address like climate change, women's rights, the plight of immigrants, and job creation to name just a few. But no. T's crisis is that he's jealous that Obama had one third more people attending the 44th Inauguration that the 45th.  If you live in the world of "alternative facts" let me modestly propose a few to you. I am without qualification the best, most articulate, sexiest woman you will ever, ever meet. All of my writings and thoughts are golden and original and the best thoughts you will ever come across, in fact they are beautiful, so beautiful you won't believe it.

Here  is an underestimation that I can attest to and get behind. I had the privilege of attending The Seattle Woman's March on the 1/21/17. The estimate was for 50,000 people. The actual number was almost three times the projected number. It was calm, exhilarating, peaceful, determined, amusing, creative, lively and so loving. Did anyone estimate that in the whole world 56 million people would march in solidarity with the Woman's march? The 56 million declared their support for women's rights, declaring that science is not a liberal conspiracy, that Planned Parenthood is needed and helps women, that we do need Affordable Health Care, that Medicare should never be privatized and that we are collectively appalled that a man who sexually assaults women is allowed to live in the White House. We have a vast array of pictures from around the world proving that T is unpopular and unsupported by more that 56 million people world wide. So it turns out and with great irony, that T did successfully unite people--- world wide. T united all of us against misogyny, vulgarity, lies, disrespect, anti-intellectualism and immaturity. This is not who we are, this is not how any of the other nations want our leaders to be. By definition what narcissists want is what is good for them. Wealth? Yep, at the expense of others, yep. The ex President in Gambia just ran off with the entire wealth of the country when he fled office. Is this what we have in store for us? My bet is yes, on him feeding his greed frenzy and impoverishing the country. Any bets to the contrary?

How could anyone ever tell you
you were anything less than beautiful?   Kate Wolf
How difficult is it to grasp that women's rights are human rights? Ask any 4 to 11 year old girl about how they feel about being a female and a human. They will look at you like you are crazy. Of course they are human. Yet this silliness is what is being fed to many women world wide that they are less than human and so should be paid less money for equal work, less respected verbally and physically, less listened to because their opinions don't count as much as their male counterparts. These little girls will tell you in no uncertain terms how very stupid this is. Just look at them. Girls are beautiful. They are to be cherished. We hold these truths to be self evident that all people are created equal.

Sadly, a man in the highest office in the world is saying/has said it's not a problem to grab their genitals. Is this what you want for your daughters, granddaughters, babies, teens, nieces, cousins, young women, mothers, aunts, grandmothers, friends? This cannot be tolerated and women all over the world just declared WE ARE GRABBING BACK. Watch out!

susansmagicfeather copyright 2017 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Who Is the Fool on the Hill?

Day after day, alone on the hill, the man with the foolish grin is keeping perfectly still. But nobody wants to know him, they can see that he's just a fool, and he never gives an answer...      John Lennon and Paul McCartney
Tomorrow is the big brouhaha of the Inauguration and to my Republican friends and relatives I am a puzzle. Why can't I give the guy a break, a chance to show himself worthy of the greatest office in the world? Trust me, he has shown himself.

Basically I keep hearing the same complaint "you liberals need to get over it. You lost and now we need to be united."  Several things are wrong with this criticism. First of all why has the label liberal become a pejorative? If you will kindly look up the definition in any dictionary--- to be liberal minded is a definite plus. Here is a sampling definition about liberal: "holding, expressing or following political views or policies that support civil liberties, democratic reforms and use of governmental power to promote social progress; freedom of individuals to act or express themselves as they choose; anyone who is tolerant of ideas or behavior of others. Broadminded, a tendency to give generously." Tell me, tell me, what is scary and/or offensive about being liberal? I have encouraged literally hundreds of people in my role as counselor to be broadminded, to be open to new ideas and to be generous with others. I consider this an act of being a grown up, of being a kind, good, loving person and a good citizen to boot. If you want to test my theory on liberalism just read the definition above and with the phrase "will not allow" as opening of each section of the definition. Clears things right up doesn't it?
Trump tower in Chicago
And nobody seems to like him, they can see what he wants to do, and he never shows his feelings.  Lennon and McCarthy
Secondly my beef with the people who voted for the enormous T and yet can't tell me one good, true reason why I should admire and respect him. Believe me I've asked. I'll ask again: does anyone have a good honest reason why I [or any of the other people who voted for HRC or another candidate] should admire and respect this man? Being elected is not a good enough reason especially knowing that he lost by 3 million votes. Not only that but just consider, if you will all the interference. Most spectacularly by the Russians that both the CIA and the FBI agree is verifiable, then Comey's pitch to the public about Hillary's emails 11 days before the election which turned out to be a ruse, the fake news, and all the hatred and lies thrown at HRC. She still won.

Thirdly, the disrespect and venomousness with which Obama was attacked by the Republicans for the past eight years, starting with the birther crap, then the dictum to block every good thing the man proposed, and also not voting for his Supreme Court nominee. Obama is a man of substance and character who turned this country around from a near Great Depression into a viable economy. For that he was chastised and ridiculed and yes, they hurled the racist remarks at him, which they vehemently deny, but it was rampant. So now I'm supposed to turn around and be all supportive of a man who I believe is not competent to run a dog kennel [and with his narcissism wouldn't have the heart to do it anyway]. Just look at his swamp appointments for his cabinet. It is as though he tried his hardest to be contemptuous of each of the positions for his cabinet. The "drain the swamp" man is a con and his followers lap up his words, not his actions which are despicable. I sincerely believe anyone of my grandchildren ages 11 to 15 have more intelligence, kindness and competence than this man.
And nobody seems to like him...he's the fool on the hill, sees the sun going down and the eyes in his head sees the world spinning round.                     Lennon & McCartney

I don't want to walk around all grumpy and embarrassed that this man is in our highest office. So I, along with literally millions of men and women all across this already great nation are taking to the streets on the January 21st to state publicly that this man does not represent what is good, honest and fine in the United States. 

We have an atrocious uphill battle because the Republicans have refused to even hold hearings on the Russian interference [hello, $25 million dollars to investigate Hillary for many years and found...nothing]. Rather than just shake my head in disbelief I'm becoming more active in the Democratic party. At this point because all they care about is staying in power, the Republicans won't even take the advice of the FBI  and the CIA  when it was a clear security breach that the Russians interfered with our election. Can you even for one minute imagine what hollering would occur if in fact this was the Obama administration. The vitriol would be flying. 

If you are puzzled by those of us who are protesting just put all the repulsive and simplistic words uttered by T in Obama's mouth. Really, try it. I know it's difficult because Obama is a respectful, intelligent, kind, broadminded individual who would never press himself on women, or make fun of a disabled person or stiff a contractor, or go bankrupt numerous times and brag about not paying his taxes. But for the sake of this post just try to imagine...
They can see that he's just a fool, and he never gives an answer...

susansmagicfeather copyright 2017 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved