I have been troubled and puzzled by the nominee of the highest office in the USA who stands for nothing but himself and has used people viciously: women he has assaulted; workers and professionals who he has stiffed; entire races he has insulted; and the uneducated who he has encouraged to break the law and assault people that don't agree with them.
Perhaps twice as troubling is the people who were elected to office who have either passively or aggressively supported this man. What possible justification is there for supporting a person who is in communication with KKK? I ask you because I can't figure it out. Is this because these people also support the KKK? Remember the KKK is a hate group whose mission is all about hatred of others: especially African American, Native Americans and Jews. Heil! These are hate filled people and if in fact one doesn't denounce them, then the obvious conclusion is that they are for them.
As for any woman who would choose to vote for a man who is a sexual predator, just exactly what are you thinking? I'm not kidding, I want to know. Knowing that we women have had to fight for the right to vote, fight for the right to privacy with our Doctor, fight for justice for the victims of domestic violence and sexual assault; fight for health care for all; fight for the poor, the mentally and physically disabled; fight with our letters and our door to door campaigns to win all these rights and more. These rights were never handed to us. And now you want to be in the camp with a man who threatens these rights and is all about himself and hatred? I truly don't get it.
Young, uneducated white males, I can kind of see the appeal for this man. What they see is a man who can get away with not paying his taxes and laughs about stiffing his workers and has a free hand with any woman he desires [including a 13 year old]. Many of these young men are closet misogynists and racists themselves and what their candidate says is what they've been thinking and possibly enacting for years but afraid to verbalize. The, ahem, cat is out of the bag and she's mad as hell for all the abuse. For some young men all these crimes do seem to hold a fascination especially if their candidate then lied and said that you, young man are going to get a job out of the deal. Ha! He'd stiff you too. Look at his history. Manufacturing in 15 different countries, steel from China anyone?
Being a nasty woman has benefits |
Let the howling commence that she is not likable. As Oprah said, "hey, she's not coming over to your house for dinner." Hey, HRC, in all her competency and experience and willingness to fight for women and children, will be running the most successful country in the world. Let the criticism begin. She is not perfect, please find me a politician who is. If you suggest Bernie, who I also happen to find likable, remember he was a socialist and oh man, would that have raised an overwhelming howling from the Republicans.
My hope is that after this election there is a peaceful transition. It would be a grave injustice if it is not an a honorable transition. USA is all about helping others and justice. Why would anyone wish chaos on this great country of ours? Join with me in the fight for compassion, love, hope and respect. Simple kindness will do in a pinch. Join me vote Hillary.
susansmagicfeather 2016 copyright Susan R. Grout all rights reserved.
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