Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Christmas at the Z and A Grouts

wearing a Christmas present
Another year is winding down, about to take its last breath. I like to  remember the highlights and share them with you.  Included is a bit of Christmas, the glory of Sally's party with lots of fun and family from all over the country,  and my favorite---Groutfest.
Thanksgiving missing Vail and Jonathan

Sally's party
relatives traveled from afar
all the siblings wrote a performed a song 
 for Sally's birthday
Vail, Jonathan and Amelia



Sally and her daughters

I love to do these end of the year in pictures and, though it seems frivolous, many people like looking at this yearly post.

Chin and Ella
A highlight!  Groutfest

cousins at Jackles

Josh and Amelia

I am at my absolute happiest surrounded by my family, eating, talking, hiking and joking together. Ah, summer.

Guitar camp is always a surprise, there is always so much to learn and experience,  it's not just about guitar. I'm always working on writing then performing my song and improving my skills. Another plus about the camp, there are so many interesting wonderful people.

guitar camp has a dance

cabin mates and a good friend

my birthday at the beach


A few of the low lights, two of my relatives had emergency appendectomies. Yikes. Then D and I had so many doctor appointments for various age related problems. Ah well stay healthy people.

a busy 4th marching in the parade for the Democrats

Graduation  at Gonzaga

Getting ready for Lauren's graduation from Gonzaga.   

Zach and James
Lauren and Anne


Zach's birthday with family

last January we had quite the storm

Let's all hope for some surprising loving kindness coming from every part of this country. I can hope anyway.

As for our new reality? Let's all stay on our toes and strive for what is good and right for all. Speak up!
Always always celebrate
susansmagicfeather 2024 Susan R. Grout

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Small Town Therapist on Obedience and Dissing


In my life I've gone from strict obedience (as a child) to flaunting the rules (as a grown woman). This seems amusing to write yet this has had a big impact in my life. It's an interesting process to go from strictly adhering to other's rules to going with my gut and ignoring the possible displeasure, laughter or anger of people by flaunting some of the rules. 

Many of these 'being obedient' rules were dished out by the Catholic church in which I was raised. As a child I was very devoted and pious. Sadly that devotion was all based on fear.  An example is when I diligently prayed to god as a six year old, urgently requesting that my sister (who was suffering from an allergic reaction to grapes) would recover. The doctor came to our house which was an incredibly big deal! I remember being frightened and in tears. I was so scared and worried that I took my small savings and walked to the shops and bought her a ceramic angel. Happily she did recover rather quickly and that started me on the road believing that it was necessary for me to be in earnest prayer for any untoward eventuality. 

Then at 17 I went away to college. It was a Catholic institution, which pleased my parents, assuming I would stay with the teachings of the church. I later found out my father didn't particularly care. He was not religious and was uninterested in my church attendance. Happily, neither was the college interested in whether I was a practicing Catholic. This was my start at being disobedient. I quit the church as it just didn't feel relevant to me. First question I had to myself: what's with the men being revered (Popes, altar boys, priests who drove Cadillacs, etc.) and the women shunned (especially nuns and mothers) as second class citizens? I'm still looking for answers to that one.

In college I was an insecure student. I was so sure that the college had made a big mistake in admitting me. Because of  that belief I was incredibly diligent in my studies.  Fear and anxiety ruled me at that point in my life.  I was the timid student who closeted myself away in the basement of the library to study. I was so sure I'd do poorly on my exams. Untrue! I was delighted to find out after mid-terms that I was actually a very good student. This eased my mind. Temporarily.

One of the reasons I was a competent psychotherapist was because I worked hard to deescalate my own anxiety. This enabled me to help others to cope with the ups and downs of their lives. Losing a daughter who was stillborn helped me to work with grieving clients. I could then discern who was suffering from grief and the ones who were severally depressed with prolonged grieving and needed medication with the help of a psychiatrist.

The rules for my profession when I started out as a psychotherapist were very sexist. The revered therapists were 90% males with the occasional females professional thrown in. I sought these women out and that help me enormously in my work. It's my observation that years later the 'mostly male' therapists changed when the money for therapists became considerably less than if you went to work for a corporation. Men fled the field in droves. I believe this is true for many other fields. Another observation, when we moved to our small town, the University sponsored Marine Biological Laboratory was mostly staffed by men and the students were mostly male. Then I believe, the pay remained stagnant. Guess what, the labs are now predominantly female with the rare male student. One of the reasons we don't have lots of men in, for example, teaching has to do with the insufficient pay. Often the males teachers make more money. Ironically I just read a fact lending credence to that statement. The female faculty at the very liberal University of  Colorado will receive back pay of $4.5 million in a settlement. Females being paid less and treated as less valuable than their male colleagues is sadly not a surprise. The female faculty gathered together, they were disobedient and filed a gender equality lawsuit and won. Good for them! You can only imagine the disparity in pay for women in most universities and many other businesses.  

My conclusion is obedience only makes sense if it's a very important rule like 'rules of the road.' These rules are life saving and reasonable. It's important not to speed and to stop for traffic lights for yourself and others. Another rule, now that I think about it, is it makes sense to be obedient to newborns to help them thrive. Crying is sometimes the only way a baby has to get attention. This is true for sometimes for the mother as well. 

that garment is too young for her
Flaunting the rules can be a hobby and fun. Honestly are there such things as sensible fashion rules? As a young teen reading fashion magazines I thought there were. It's fun to be disobedient and to be against what we are told we must wear, how we must look and act. Eccentricity is reasonable more times than not. Being eccentric is actually fun. If you're overwhelmed by rules, like all the people in ultra religious churches, ugh. Rebel.

susansmagicfeather 2024 Susan R. Grout

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Small Town Therapist on the Word from Historians


Celebrate for the joy it brings

After this last election many people are in a conundrum. Why is there so much divisiveness in the country? Why did our former president when in office from 2016 to 2020 with his Republican party tear down people, ignore science, insult minorities and women, threaten to disrupt the voting process get elected again? Weren't they supposedly want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN in 2016 and didn't. And now we have the same slogans and bigotry and greed staring us in the face again in 2025? 

I believe I have the answer that's been true since the Obama administration: they want to make America white again; make America anti women and anti minorities again; and make billionaires, trillionaires; and make America stupid again. 'Science, we don't need no stinkin' science!' Yet, ask someone why  they're voted four more years of this disastrous administration and they, to a person say, "I prefer their [GOP's] policies". What policies? 

Truth: these policies are anti choice, pro billionaires, and white power. Now look no further than Trump's choices for his Cabinet, not one competent or qualified person has been nominated. He's still an embarrassment and a disgrace. The world is baffled that we have chosen this felon, misogynist, right wing incompetent man again. So am I--- embarrassed and angry.

The latest proof of incompetence is the GOP Senators who are in lock step going along with all the terrible choices for his cabinet, like Secretary for the Defense Department. Have these people never read resume before? Pete Hegseth, yes was in the military but that doesn't qualify to run the military. It's widely known by his colleagues that he has a drinking problem. His qualification apparently is that he's a Trump enthusiast and a TV star on Fox News (listed as an entertainment program). There is no qualification. 

Here's some more sad history from Trump's four year term. Our dear competent Ruth Bader Ginsberg was the epitome of an excellent Supreme court judge, principled, courageous, fair, and who fought for equal justice for all. When she was dead one hour, the GOP administration announced that they were going to push ahead with a nomination, immediately. High minded reasons were given for not allowing President Obama's choice for the Supreme Court said McConnell,  "It's too close to the election (it was nine months away) and the new President should have the right to choose the SCJ."  The Republican party approved a Supreme Court nominee ONE Month before the election. The rage that some of us felt, this betrayal, was yet another slap in the face to integrity was overwhelming. 

Amy Coney Barrett, was and probably still is part of the group of Catholic women who believe that the "men are the heads of the household and make all the decisions." We were stuck with the pick and also Brett Kavanaugh. So it was goodbye to Roe vs Wade. So many of us worked long and hard to pass that bill for women's rights. Now it's possibly farewell to the ACA, 'Obama care', and forget about your concerns about the environment, the laws protecting us will be sabotaged. 

As we know, we are now getting a refresher course on when abortion was illegal. Women died in desperation and that is the situation today. The women, and sometimes young girls, in states where abortion is outlawed have no choice to safely terminate an unwanted pregnancy. 

I had a legal medical abortion many years ago. A baby I was carrying died inter utero at four months. Had it been just five years earlier, in 1972, I would have been required to carry that baby to 'spontaneous abortion' which could have cost me my life. This is to say nothing of the sadness and horror of carrying a dead, very wanted baby. Where is our protection for equal rights under the law? That's the 14th Amendment in our Constitution.

Let's reverse roles. Wonder if women were cruel and had the power of the laws behind them and wouldn't allow a man to have a choice of what to do with his reproductive rights. The husband comes to her and says, "I've been diagnosed with testicular tumors, probably cancerous, can I please have an operation to free myself from worry and pain?" The woman coolly appraises him and says, "NO, that might interfere with my right to have more babies. Let nature take it's course!" That's the position all women were in until 1973 when they won the right to have a say over their own bodies. The right to privacy with their physician was a hard fought battle. Now in many states it's still a very hard fought battle. Don't give up!

Another truth: a woman can get pregnant once a year. Ironically a man can impregnate many thousands of women, if he chooses to in one year. Why is the pregnancy burden always on the woman? That's some pretty fancy footwork: blame the woman. As we all have seen, people piously and obnoxiously stand outside the abortion clinics waving signs and begging women to not abort. Ah, but where are these pious people when that child is born? I can state emphatically--- they're not there to help that woman/girl. 

The reasons for abortion are many. It might be that she was raped or she was ill prepared to raise a child, or that she couldn't afford the child, or she was in ill health, or she was very young and/or it was a case of incest.  This is only a small list but it does provide very good reasons to have an abortion. The pious and obnoxious people are actually only pro birth, not willing to aid or give any help to that woman or girl after that child is born. Couldn't we agree to shift the blame. WHO got that woman pregnant?  Why isn't the emphasis on the men? 

On that topic of men, especially young men, I had some experience with disseminating information about birth control. Many years ago I'd was asked to talk to teens about the dangers involved with drugs and alcohol. Fortunately for me, this was well before the kinds of very dangerous drugs that are in many high schools these days. Inevitably the subject of girls drinking to drunkenness would come up. Some cocky boy would smirk and I would lead the discussion about the the responsibility of boys having or attempting having sex with an impaired girl. What about responsibility of possible impregnation as the consequences of having unprotected sex, or forced sex, rape?  I let them know that the lowest incidents of teen pregnancies in the world at that time were in Japan. Also, at that time, the only form of birth control in Japan was the condom.  A hush fell in the room.  All those years ago, no one to my knowledge was willing to speak to the obvious: it's clearly not just the woman who can do birth control, Japan proved that.

Love can triumph but we have to protect it

We all want loving relationships, don't we? We all want our children loved, fed and taken care of. Don't we also want truth, justice and the American way?  What has become of the American way? For parts of this country the belief is children are too delicate to learn about the Holocaust, the Trail of Tears, the slavery of African people etc. Why is our history and also the history of the world being withheld? We need a fresh course on creating empathy in our country and it starts in childhood. That used to be the American way. Now there are those who are attempting to justify racism, ignore the unfair advantages given to people of wealth and allowing women, minorities and people of color to be discriminated against. This has got to stop.
fight for your rights

How I wish we had voted the rascals out. With the Democrats and at least we had hope, kindness and competence. My fear is that we will fall so far. Never doubt we can rise again. This country can become, again, the admired country. Right now we are a grieving country and our new (old) leaders have failed us, already, miserably. The historians voted the Trump Presidency as worst administration and they voted him the worst president we ever had.  Unbelievably he has been re elected. 

Don't just sit there join a group to fight all the egregiousness that is to come.

susansmagicfeather 2024  Susan R. Grout all rights reserved