Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Fair Taxation 

 I've hoped the that this country would come to it's senses and restructure the tax system. Instead of allowing tax cuts for billionaires, as the Trump administration put into place, we'd  agree to tax them generously.  Then their enormous profits could pay for services, help communities in need, and give aid to the less fortunate.  Also, I've read there’s over 110 billion dollars [a gross underestimate] hidden in offshore accounts. 110 billion dollars. Think what that money could do.

Listen to good ideas
This country has a serious infrastructure problem that worsened after the Trump administration's four years of neglect. Bridges failing, roads crumbling, and some buildings are well beyond their sell date. Also, stunningly, many people are hungry, and our schools need help. All this seems impossible to fix. It's not! Here are the important new tasks cheerfully assigned to the billionaires who pay a very depressing near $0% of their income and gross profits. The new tax, if enacted, could go to our country's wellbeing.

Welcome to the awards for helping our country.

1. Mr. “Fly Me to the Moon” Bezos: I assign the task of creating an effective recycling program for our country. Lord knows, Amazon has contributed, to the un-recyclable debris left in our garbage and landfills which ends up clogging our oceans. As any good mother knows, "clean up after yourself, Jeff." Don't worry Mr. Bezos, you will still have massive amounts of money from this endeavor to fly high.

2. Mr. Elon Musk: you are being given the honor of repairing the roads in this country. You supposedly care about cars and here is your chance to prove it. You could also beef up the safety of the people riding in those cars. I hear some of yours are being recalled... 

3. Mark Zuckerberg: your Facebook fame has brought you wealth, yet you take no responsibility for the people you have harmed along the way. I assign you the job of making sure every that child in the U.S. has an excellent education. This will include courses on how to detect hustling and falsehoods. Onward for fairness in education, truth, and justice Mr. Zuckerberg.

4. To all the Waltons including Alice, Jim, and Rob Walton. Since the inception of Walmart, you have underpaid your workers--- even insisting they get on welfare and food stamps! Look at all the money you saved for yourselves. I propose that you pay back wages in triplicate to the employees. Then pay back the monies to the U.S. government. This will enrich social security for the nation. No impoverished person left behind. Also because you encouraged food stamps, you will do the job of feeding everyone in need. There shouldn't be any hunger in America.  It’s time to grasp the full concept of sharing. Sadly, many people don't have jobs or they have insufficient incomes due to stingy bosses. Many of those jobs were eliminated and transferred to other parts of the world. This was for expressed purpose of the CEO's profits at the expense of the workers. So feed the hungry, it will cost you a fraction of your wealth.

5. The Koch Family: Remember your wealth started with your father--- inherited wealth. You’ve influenced ultraconservative politicians with your wealth starting with the Tea Party and then contribute hugely to Trump and other right wing campaigns. The expressed purpose was to secure those horrible tax cuts for billionaires like yourselves and to destroy a woman's right to choose. Your assignment is to devote the rest of your lives for good change such as cleaning up the environment. We can agree on clean air, water, and healthy people for the USA, that is a conservative value, isn't it?                                                                           Part of our Family, Tax Paying Citizens

The billionaires pay no taxes and try to convince all of us that they are good citizens. My opinion is they need to prove they are good citizens. So far they've been insensitive and deaf to the plight of ordinary, tax paying citizens. 

On a final note, you'll see that I didn't mention the Gates or Warren Buffett. Although I'm sure they don't pay their fair share of taxes, Bill and Melinda and Warren have tried, with their wealth, to save humanity. They do contribute richly to the health and welfare of the world. Thanks Melinda and Bill and Warren. Oh and a big shout out to Taylor Swift!

We are all going to die dear billionaires. Wouldn't you like your legacy to err on the side of goodness and generosity with your vast wealth? "You Can't Take It with You!" Money can't buy you love! But your wealth can purchase good will and admiration. Be a good neighbor and a good citizen of the U.S.A. I believe that creates a good legacy. 

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