Wednesday, January 5, 2022



gorgeous yet stuck in the driveway

I believe that the world has slowed down with this plague and so have I for a number of different reasons. Aging bones, an accidentally cracked tooth that impeded my eating for a couple of months, and the very few visits with friends and family that used to pack my schedule.  However, my reality--- also a blessing in my life--- is the incredible amount of energy that I have. I'm revved and ready to go. The only time I have a case of the 'slows' is when I'm sick or injured. Unlike most people, when I'm upset I pace instead of going back to bed.  It's just my nature to move around.

This surplus of energy, though a blessing, can sometimes be a curse. There are times when so much is going on in my life that my brain insists on processing things over and over again. Sometimes I've been wide awake until 2 or 3 a.m. mind a whirl and thinking. Conversely I get to sleep relatively early like 10 pm and then awaken at 4 am. unable to fall back to sleep. The thoughts keep coming and my brain's not letting me rest. Wide awake. Granted this is not an ordinary occurrence but it's so annoying when it happens. 

What to do, what to do with my brain that's on the squirrel cage yet again?  Truthfully I try all kinds of things but here's what's most effective.  Below is a mix and match list, try any or all. As I used to say to my clients, nothing is 100% effective but 90% is a definite plus.

 tea and a fire 

  1.    1.Meditation. I'm not the world's best at this but I figure if I lay there and concentrate on my breathing sometimes it slows the body's revving and I fall back to sleep.
  2.    2.Read until your eyes are closing and the book is about to crash on to your face. Always have three or four really engaging books by your bed. 
  3.     3.Get out of bed and do some gentle yoga. All postures I use are: downward dog; child's pose; cat/cow; side angle pose; supine twist; legs up the wall and of course, corpse pose when I'm back in bed.
  4. Visualize what you want and tell it to the brain: "I'm asleep, I'm so tired I'm sleeping"; "I'm calm and relaxed" repeat endlessly. This last one I use during the day along with saying the word SLOW to myself when I'm hurrying for no good reason.
  5. Do a full body scan relaxing each part of your body: "my face is relaxed; my arms are relaxed; my torso is relaxed; my legs are relaxed; my mind is clear." Let's not kid ourselves that last part about the clear mind is the most difficult. 
  6. Breathe in for the count of 4, hold the breath for the count of  6 and breathe out for 8. Repeat often or at least until you're sick of it.
  7. It might seem counter intuitive but get a snack that helps to induce sleep. A favorite of mine is several walnuts with tart dried cherries and a glass of milk. I read while I eat and when I'm tired enough I go back to bed. Walnuts and tart cherries have melatonin in them that promotes sleep. 
  8. Write a list of all that's bothering you, no matter how slight, then come up with solutions. Grief is excluded here, there's no running away from the necessary expression of sorrow, simply allow the sadness. Let it speak to you.
  9. Take an ibuprofen and Tums to settle the body and calm the stomach.
  10. Mentally drive yourself somewhere in an imaginary car ride. Boring but it works. 
  11. Try a gratitude list of favorite people, places and dreams which is quite soothing.
  12. "When you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings." sung by Rosemary Clooney
  13. Makes sure you get outside each day, preferably with a long walk. 
  14. If you have a favorite prayer or inspiring sentence this is the time to concentrate on it.

I have to laugh. Here I am being a smarty pants  and I went to bed early last night and slept soundly until 4 am then couldn't get back to sleep. Ironic or pre programed?  Fortunately I have two really good books and finished one and started the other, and then the mediation which was pleasant. Finally I got up for my day at 7 pm. A lovely morning and because it wasn't a struggle or a fight to induce sleep,  I felt and feel fine. 

Happy New Year and may all the blessing of good health and a good attitude come your way.

susansmagicfeather 2022 Susan R. Grout