Enjoy the little things in life because one day you make look back and realize they were the big things. Antonio Smith
I've concluded the little things in life are vastly underrated. For me it's the people I love, the pets and nature in all its splendor that I so often take for granted, that turn out to be the standouts. Try being aware, amused and appreciative about those three biggies: people, nature and pets.
I have been most fortunate in pets. Of the many beloved cats I've had in my life I not only appreciate their serene presence, their ridiculous antics and their kindness to me, always surprising, always deeply appreciated.
Over the years, I've taken great delight in welcoming back the violet greens and the barn swallows, and our resident Anna's and then the Rufus hummingbirds. I probably delude myself that these violet green swallows are the very same ones from the years before. I suppose it's possible that these small swallows are even the descendants or even grandchildren of the violet greens of many years ago. "These must be the ones who are visiting then nesting in our yard" I'll think to myself. Another delightful delusion is they recognize and greet me with the same enthusiasm and joy as I greet them. They swoop and dive over our house, a graceful fly by, as they pass over the deck. Perhaps, these returnees [and their descendants?] are as delighted as I when I clap and whistle my greetings. I ask myself, is there anything lovelier to see them swooping, diving, doing that graceful fly by as they and I greet Spring?
I am rich in sisters |
Another of the joys of my life is my friends. As is true with my sisters, they have been with me through the trials and tribulations, the heartache, the joys and the conundrums of my life. This is a debt of gratitude that I will pay to the end of my days. Most of my friends I have had in my life for decades and when I acquire new ones I'm always pleased that life can be so rich.
In acquiring news friends, one of the best ways is through a shared activity that brings you joy. Music hits the right note for me. Creating music is a mixed blessing. I play the guitar and have progressed very slowly over the decades I've had that instrument in my life. Sometimes I'm quite content to be able to play, other times I wish that I'd applied myself more, reached a higher level of proficiency. Alas, I was working on my skills in isolation when what I needed was an infusion of expertise. Years ago, my sister Sally suggested we attend guitar camp. A revelation. I attend the camp each summer with two of my sisters, Sally and Trisha. At camp, everyone is friendly and focused on learning and sharing what they know. The atmosphere is electric and the charge comes from all those fellow musicians. Professionals come to teach and share their impressive skills with us. If we choose we can perform at the student concert. I thought I never would do this, but I do, challenging myself each year. The bonus is singing and playing with my sisters. Then we play and sing with a wide range of newly acquired friends. It's exciting, fulfilling and a relative breeze.
Q. What happens when you play country music backwards? A. You sober up, your wife comes home and your dog comes back to life. AnonAdded to the challenge is the annual "Thanksjuning" hosted by Bob and Senja for all the siblings. We have a tradition of suggesting that everyone write a song from one of the famous saying from our family. Examples are: It Would Be Different If I Didn't Care, "Don't Ever Let Me Do That Again", and Take Me as I am. Always a wonderful time and it enriches all of us to strive to be together in harmony.
Then there are the secondary things:
- Making the perfect meal and then consuming it with a loving group of family or friends.
- Finding an excellent book and discovering it's the first in a series of 10 books.
- Going on a vacation and finding a dear neighbor who just happens to be in the same place.
- Discovering something new in a city I'm unfamiliar with.
- Waking up in the morning having slept the entire night through such a luxury!
- Enjoying my superlative pot of tea followed by good coffee and then breakfast.
- Thrilled, [the only word to describe it], when one of my stories was read on the radio and then published in a book. Elated when two of my poems were published. [Although both publications are now out of business. Was it me?]
These are joys, although small I feel blessed with each cup and every meal. I often think about the people of our world who have no access to clean water and little food. No, I don't do this to torture myself but to heighten the gratitude for the many blessings in my life. Donations to causes that address food and water shortages help to assuage my conscience.
susansmagicfeather copyright 2019 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved
susansmagicfeather copyright 2019 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved