Wednesday, November 16, 2016

I Don't Care How You Voted, Remedies for the Future

Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.      MLK

I have a very long uphill battle to face. I am going to do this with as much dignity and love as I can muster for four long years.  My heart is heavy with concern about the new administration and I yearn for a time when kindness and caring for others and this poor earth were with us. 

I don't care if you voted for a 3rd party, I don't care if you didn't vote, I don't care if you voted against Hillary and for Voldemort. I'd like you to read this.

What have we done, America? We have placed this man, T, in a position of power who is not only ill prepared for the job but is also a human being who cares nothing about anything but his own family and, of course, himself. On a daily basis I've been baffled that so many Americans have not only been conned by him and his rhetoric but also apparently found nothing wrong or objectionable about his misogynistic, hate mongering, insulting prevarications on an hourly basis, and that they actually voted for him. Please, I want to understand this. 

Is this truly who we are? It is no wonder that the young adults of this country have taken to the streets. I agree with them. We need to shout out to the world that this man does not represent us or our values. He represents hatred and fear. We are better, finer than that. 

How can we give him, as his supporters all suggest, a chance when he has made himself perfectly clear with his actions and words exactly what he intends to do with this country. Remember his actions: stiffing employees and contractors; not a penny of his own money to charity; bankruptcies; physical and verbal disrespect for women; contempt for many different races and minorities; copious name calling; saying he'll put his children in charge of his money, not a blind trust, as every other president has done...etc.  This is what we have to present to the world as the USA. I say, No! that is a false picture of who we are. I believe we are better than that. 

I also want to understand how putting a prominent "climate denier" in charge of the Environmental Protection Agency helps the environment? This is truly someone who is deaf and blind to science. This demonstrates his stunning ignorance about the condition of the earth. Human induced climate change is accepted by 99% of all competent, qualified scientists working in the field. The 1% who jumped on the denial bandwagon are paid by the oil and gas industry. 

Voldemort has appointed a known racist to be his top advisor, Stephen Bannon. If you don't know about him, here is a sampling:

Here's everything you need to know about Stephen Bannon.
President-elect Donald Trump recently named Stephen Bannon as his chief strategist and senior counselor. The move to name Bannon — who has a long history of bigotry — to such an important role makes a mockery of Trump’s pledge to be a president for “all Americans.”
Before joining the Trump campaign, Bannon oversaw the rise of the Breitbart News Network, a far-right website that caters to white nationalists. There, a former editor says, he "aggressively pushed stories against immigrants, and supported linking minorities to terrorism and crime.”
 Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] Features on Bannon  

Bannon in the News

From the SPLC Archives

How can I/we forgive all that he verbalizes, acts and represents and move on to hope and love? 

I don't care if you voted for a 3rd party, I don't care if you didn't vote, I don't care if you voted against Hillary and for Voldemort. I do care passionately that if you say you're not a racist, or a bigot, or a misogynist that you prove it. I believe passionately that if you say you love the earth that you do not aid in it's destruction. 

What are you going to do? What action are you going to take to combat hatred with love? Loving, folks, is doing not just thinking. If you say you are going to pray for healing and for this country to heal and yet you sit idly by as the hatred is spewed before you and you do nothing, how is this love? If you are repeating racist and sexist remarks as though they are entertaining, how is this love? If you do not give money to the poor but instead force the poor to continue in their cycle of poverty and offer no jobs merely criticism for their lives, how is this love? If you take health care from people because you object to anyone having benefits from the government, how is this love? 

It is not enough to know what is right. Courage also is needed to do what is right.                      Arthur Dobrin

I am working on forgiveness. I have to for my own benefit and for all those I encounter. But, like the Jews who had to forgive the Nazis for their own sake, I will not, as they did not, ever forget. Hatred does not help. I am asking a big favor of all of you to back up your assertions of not agreeing with Voldemort's statements with some positive action. I firmly believe in the goodness of people.

One way to be assertive against racism, hate and misogyny is to give generously to positive organizations that can further a good future for our children and grandchildren based on love not hate. Here is my small list of the charities that deserve your attention and will work for love, goodness and compassion: 
1. Souther Poverty Law Center: as mentioned above they have an excellent program that teaches tolerance. They help any group that is being target by hate.
2.Planned Parenthood: they do support all women with cancer screenings, preventing pregnancy with birth control etc. Abortion is a tiny portion of what they do for women but the only thing the right-wing haters seem to care about.
3. Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Defense Fund: they work wit a wide variety of land owners and corporations to bring about environmental positives; when all else fails they will sue governments or corporations that are polluting the environment.
4. Sierra Club: a very positive group with a long history that also works in ways that complement the efforts of the NRDC and the EDF to protect our environment.

Ask yourself, how am I loving and what am I doing to help the most vulnerable in our country? Currently hate crimes are on the rise and the KKK is rejoicing in this election. Is this what you want and desire? Please prove otherwise.

As for me, besides donating, I called Paul Ryan to encourage him and his chronies not to cut Social Security and Medicare, which he very much wants to do. How about the corporate welfare? That could be cut. I am also going to stand up for anyone who is abused, interrupt anyone who is targeting the vulnerable and take it to the streets if necessary. 

Join me in being loving and forgiving through action.

susansmagicfeather 2016, copyright Susan R. Grout, all rights reserved
the only pussy I want to see grabbed

Monday, November 7, 2016

When Anxiety Is Running the Kentucky Derby In Your Life

A lot of people are afraid of heights, not me I'm afraid of widths.       Stephen Wright

Some families fight depression and must learn ways to overcome it. Not ours, it's anxiety that races through the family faster than the horses at the Kentucky Derby.   Susan Grout

There are many therapeutic blogs out there giving outstanding advice on how to deal with anxiety. I've found personally that curing yourself of anxiety is entirely personal. Some believe that there's a universal remedy like taking even slow cleansing breaths, and trust me this does help.  However, lately we've all had days of nail biting stress, now it's time to call in the horse trainers to still the racing thoughts.

Since this is entirely personal I will regale you with my own favorite stress/anxiety reducers. 

  1. I paint. Not portraiture or pastoral scenes but the walls of my house. Nothing calms me more than this activity and the intense satisfaction of seeing a wall that's dull and tired become bright and beautiful. 
  2. I play guitar and sing. Mind you, this is not a concert worthy quality performance but the sheer joy of expression is always deeply appreciated by me. I say, "Sing as though no one is listening", and by god no one is...
  3. I do yoga, several postures almost every day such as the cat/cow, tree pose, plank and Warriors I, II and III.
  4. If I have trouble sleeping and my mind is restless, the three part breath is quite useful. The act of filling up the body with new breath leads to new thoughts and encourages calm thoughts.
    Action and charity combined
  5. Forest bathing: I do as the Japanese recommend and get out to a forest and drink in the purity of the trees.
  6. Become a knit wit: I love to watch movies and knit. My latest project is knitting head bands that I then donate to the Thrift shop or "Nana's House" a little store that allows kids from 2 to 12 to purchase inexpensive items to give to their families at Xmas.
  7. Write a check to your favorite charity or send a thank you note to someone who has done a kindness to you. Works for me.
  8. Get out of the house. I love to ride my bike when the weather is better than the constant rain we've had, but walking in the rain is pleasant.
A sneaky way I have of ridding myself of anxiety is to give ideas and therapy tips away. So thanks for reading, I appreciate you all. 

Loving is doing so if you are being exceptionally loving to yourself [as I have been today] it really helps to reduce the anxiety load. Gives a new meaning to 'hold your horses' and certainly quiets the internal Kentucky Derby. 

susansmagicfeather  copyright 2016 Susan R. Grout all rights reserved