Tuesday, September 17, 2024



Fair Taxation 

 I've hoped the that this country would come to it's senses and restructure the tax system. Instead of allowing tax cuts for billionaires, as the Trump administration put into place, we'd  agree to tax them generously.  Then their enormous profits could pay for services, help communities in need, and give aid to the less fortunate.  Also, I've read there’s over 110 billion dollars [a gross underestimate] hidden in offshore accounts. 110 billion dollars. Think what that money could do.

Listen to good ideas
This country has a serious infrastructure problem that worsened after the Trump administration's four years of neglect. Bridges failing, roads crumbling, and some buildings are well beyond their sell date. Also, stunningly, many people are hungry, and our schools need help. All this seems impossible to fix. It's not! Here are the important new tasks cheerfully assigned to the billionaires who pay a very depressing near $0% of their income and gross profits. The new tax, if enacted, could go to our country's wellbeing.

Welcome to the awards for helping our country.

1. Mr. “Fly Me to the Moon” Bezos: I assign the task of creating an effective recycling program for our country. Lord knows, Amazon has contributed, to the un-recyclable debris left in our garbage and landfills which ends up clogging our oceans. As any good mother knows, "clean up after yourself, Jeff." Don't worry Mr. Bezos, you will still have massive amounts of money from this endeavor to fly high.

2. Mr. Elon Musk: you are being given the honor of repairing the roads in this country. You supposedly care about cars and here is your chance to prove it. You could also beef up the safety of the people riding in those cars. I hear some of yours are being recalled... 

3. Mark Zuckerberg: your Facebook fame has brought you wealth, yet you take no responsibility for the people you have harmed along the way. I assign you the job of making sure every that child in the U.S. has an excellent education. This will include courses on how to detect hustling and falsehoods. Onward for fairness in education, truth, and justice Mr. Zuckerberg.

4. To all the Waltons including Alice, Jim, and Rob Walton. Since the inception of Walmart, you have underpaid your workers--- even insisting they get on welfare and food stamps! Look at all the money you saved for yourselves. I propose that you pay back wages in triplicate to the employees. Then pay back the monies to the U.S. government. This will enrich social security for the nation. No impoverished person left behind. Also because you encouraged food stamps, you will do the job of feeding everyone in need. There shouldn't be any hunger in America.  It’s time to grasp the full concept of sharing. Sadly, many people don't have jobs or they have insufficient incomes due to stingy bosses. Many of those jobs were eliminated and transferred to other parts of the world. This was for expressed purpose of the CEO's profits at the expense of the workers. So feed the hungry, it will cost you a fraction of your wealth.

5. The Koch Family: Remember your wealth started with your father--- inherited wealth. You’ve influenced ultraconservative politicians with your wealth starting with the Tea Party and then contribute hugely to Trump and other right wing campaigns. The expressed purpose was to secure those horrible tax cuts for billionaires like yourselves and to destroy a woman's right to choose. Your assignment is to devote the rest of your lives for good change such as cleaning up the environment. We can agree on clean air, water, and healthy people for the USA, that is a conservative value, isn't it?                                                                           Part of our Family, Tax Paying Citizens

The billionaires pay no taxes and try to convince all of us that they are good citizens. My opinion is they need to prove they are good citizens. So far they've been insensitive and deaf to the plight of ordinary, tax paying citizens. 

On a final note, you'll see that I didn't mention the Gates or Warren Buffett. Although I'm sure they don't pay their fair share of taxes, Bill and Melinda and Warren have tried, with their wealth, to save humanity. They do contribute richly to the health and welfare of the world. Thanks Melinda and Bill and Warren. Oh and a big shout out to Taylor Swift!

We are all going to die dear billionaires. Wouldn't you like your legacy to err on the side of goodness and generosity with your vast wealth? "You Can't Take It with You!" Money can't buy you love! But your wealth can purchase good will and admiration. Be a good neighbor and a good citizen of the U.S.A. I believe that creates a good legacy. 

susansmagicfeather 2024 


Monday, May 20, 2024

Small Town Therapist on Frustration

my hope

Did you hear the one about the self help group for compulsive talkers? It's called On and On Anon."   Anon

"When there's nothing more to be said, he'll still say it." Anon

There is an enormous frustration for most rational people in this country. Against our efforts to block out the hideous drone from our ex-president, he is droning on and on. It's all over the news and I for one am crying "mercy"! He is not news if he is repetitive about being hunted for crimes he committed and then supposedly persecuted. 

Excuse me isn't he the one who conned, abused, and cheated throughout his entire adulthood? Isn't he the one who is responsible for more than six bankruptcies and stiffing all the people to whom he owed money.  Enough already can't we convict him and put us all out this misery. Let's skip ahead and turn the old tired page.

Currently, important life saving legislations are stalled in Congress to a ridiculous degree. In essence we are being held hostage to ineffectual politicians. Are there profiles on the good legislatures who actually want action and bills approved on worthy subjects?  For example, where is the is reasonable legislation on guns even when the ex president has been shot at. (We, the U.S., have more carnage than any other first world nation.) The carnage, by the way, includes little children, loved ones and family members. Isn't this too a 'right to life' issue? Please do personalize this. Instead, and insanely, there is "open carry" of guns allowed in several states and gosh, what do you suppose that leads to?  Thoughts and prayers! For years and years there's never been a reasonable action to stop the violence. Truly this is a national disgrace. Our ex-president in the last year appeared before the NRA insisting that if he is elected the gun laws would be weakened, not strengthened. Think people.

The only "punishment" that I can deem appropriate for our ridiculously slow House and Senate is slow driving fines. Like penalizing slow drivers on the freeway, why not give the legislature a deadline (horrible pun). If they don't reach a solution such as eliminating the open carry laws and requiring background checks, there will be a hefty monetary penalty. See, if I were queen...

Instead a portion of our county listens to a man who's becoming more and more unhinged, who's morals are questionable at best, who has conned his way to financial gain and regularly urges his poor deluded followers to give, give, money to that man.

To those of us who voted against him in 2016, we  suffered and witnessed the extraordinary near demise of democracy and lie after lie after lie from him and his administration. Now he's selling shoes, hawking trading cards, Bibles! and basically bilking the vulnerable with his pity party. The pity is his disgraceful narcissism. It's also unbelievable and a crying shame that people choose to believe him as being a misunderstood martyr. This has all the markings of a cult. BTW, the Russian government is thrilled.

I wish the press would stop being so delicate and would please report verbatim the nonsense the ex president spouts for what it is. He's obviously failing mentally (even though he continually gives himself compliments) and the ridiculousness must be reported.  Only heavily edited of his mutterings are reported. If you have the stomach for it, or tune into the talk show hosts, you'll hear about the constant, repetitive nonsense from this disgraced ex president. It's really funny but not so much if there wasn't a very serious danger of him being re elected. He's so longwinded and boring people are leaving his poorly attended rallies early.  His latest claim to fame is he was voted the "worst president we have ever had" by historians. Dead last. Loser.

Months ago in a "news conference" where he was supposed to share his reaction to the death of Alexei Navalny, in his usual fashion, he declared that he was a victim of the court system. This was spouted as though that was pertinent to the death of a truly great, brave man fighting for democracy in Russia.  The ex president's speech was not worthy of any further discussion. He is neither note worthy or admirable.

First they took our rights.          Margaret Atwood's Handmaid's Tale.

the sun is setting on the loser
I'm very confident that Kamala Harris/Tim Walz will win the popular vote, it's the stupid electoral college that could doom us all. Send pleas to anyone you know who could influence any of their family and friends in the pivotal red states. Remember the open line of the Handmaid's Tale. Vote and get active!

susansmagicfeather 2024

Friday, April 26, 2024

Small Town Therapist on Aging Well

You're only young once but you can be immature forever.            Germaine Greer

There are no old people any more, you are either wonderful for your age or dead.    Mary Poole 

It's no secret that I've aged, I live in a small town and everyone I used to consider old is now dead. Years ago at a New Year's eve party a bunch of us in our 30's and 40's were lamenting that some of the 'old timers' [who I just realized were only in their mid sixties or early seventies] were starting to die off. These people in my town were salt of the earth, kind, good people and real amusing characters. 

One of my favorite characters, Marge, was from a family that lived in our town for generations. Then, due to her age, her sons and daughter moved her into a nursing home nearer to them, sadly, quite a ways away. This older woman Marge was glorious. She used to set out a chaise longue in front our local drug store, where she worked part time, adorned with her ruby red lipstick, her seasonal clothes and earrings ["it must be Christmas time if Marge has on her bells and holly."] Marge routinely would greet everyone in town. She could play at parties a vigorous honky-tonk piano and held her nose when she laughed. Marge reminded me so much of my Grandma Florence who was fun, fun, fun. Both these gorgeous women were portly and seemingly unconcerned about the extra padding they'd acquired over the years. That just wasn't in their radar. 

Sadly most women I know are overly focused on their bodies, size, shape and limitations. Take me for example. This morning I woke up convinced I'd gained several pounds since Thanksgiving and I was stewing about it. With trepidation I hopped on the scale only to see that my weight was exactly what it always is and I hopped off smirking at my silliness. Now, if I had gained these fictious pounds I honestly would have been perturbed and a bit discouraged. Foolish but true. Would Marge or Grandma Florence ever, in their wildest dreams, be so overly concerned about a few pounds? Not on their lives. And they lived good long lives.

Most of  the people in my generation are appalled that we have limitations with aging. When we get together we discuss these pesky aches and pains as if we deserve a refund. No! Let's sue! Rarely does the talk of gratitude enter into our discussion of being alive, surprised we've lived so well this long. We need conversations about our latest curiosities, of how to live fully and plans for how we're going to enrich this world. Open hearts and open minds can help towards aging well.

I'm listening to Becca Levy's book Breaking the Age Code, her research is about how negative perceptions about aging seriously affect how we age. As Levy did in her study, she had all the participants respond to this question: "Ask yourself what are the first five words that come to you about aging?" If the words you came up with are all negative words and views, oh oh. You better change your attitude, it can definitely negatively affect how you age. 

All those years ago the old timers didn't have the quality of life we have now and they definitely weren't obsessed with fitness. They were working too hard on making a living: farming, logging, running a business. They laughed heartily at joggers, ate mostly unprocessed food and tended to walk everywhere. They expected to age and to have fun along the way, at least most of them did.

I was surprised when I started getting old. I always thought it was one of those things that happened to someone else.  George Carlin

At least wrinkles don't hurt.  Terry Hiroto 

Imagine my surprise when I realized that the physical limitations in my case were not going to vanish without surgery. I have arthritis and it is certainly a limitation but thankfully it's not fatal. Because of it I had my first hip replaced ten years ago and that was a dandy decision. Recently I had to have my other hip replaced with hardware because that hip was cranky, keeping me from hiking and causing me abundant pain. It's been a blessed relief to be out of pain. However, the mirror is starting to bug and insult me, I say to myself, "at least wrinkles don't hurt." But, where is that portrait of Doriana Gray now that I could use it? As my sainted mother said, "out of these eyes is a 35 year old woman." Now, sincerely,  I'm joking because as a grandmother of four young adults how ridiculous would it be for me to obsess about lovely youthfulness when I'm surrounded by lovely youthfulness.

My pledge is to let go of, relax about that mirror that portrays me as a "citizen senior" as grandma Florence used to call herself.  A New Year's resolution is to embrace all my future holds for the time I've got left with gratitude. I'm hoping to grow in wisdom, generosity and kindness with my sense of humor firmly intact.

susansmagicfeather 2024 Susan R. Grout

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Last Year in Photos

2023  started with a walk
A round up of pictures from 2023.
 Last year had some interesting twist, as this year is rolling along on a different track. Lots of traveling last year as opposed to this year, not so much--- unless you include doctor's appointments.

Wishing everyone a happy healthy 2024 and one that's not late like I am with this post!

We  traveled to Maui in February

glorious Maui before the fires

came home to this contrast

happy graduation to James in June

visit with Josh 

Lulu's graduation with Silas and Josh 

James in full regalia for grads

the happy parents of James

off to Chicago and visiting our fav at the Art Institute

celebration of Trish and Pete's marriage 

we do enjoy each other

music at the port with nephew Jason's  family 

guitar camp in  

Always a welcome surprise

my fondest hope

Niece and grand niece 

Trisha and Pete

Grands  at Gonzaga 
trip home from visit with the grands

gorgeous moonlight

family gathering

Zach and family at game

we do enjoy our dinners

merry Christmas

Happy New Year at camp, Sally, me and Chin

Monday, January 29, 2024

Small Town Therapist on a Wealth of Sisters

Mom, me and Sally's daughter Naomi's wedding
Only the heart knows how to find what is precious.             Fyodor Dostoyevsky
I am the lucky recipient of four sisters. In so many ways my sisters have enriched my life.  In addition to liking and loving each other we also, handed down from our parents, all sing and play music together. What could be better? Well, sharing food. And we do, oh, those meals!

Is this a family reunion or a beauty contest?             a fellow therapist's remark to me.
This was a remark by a friend, when I expressed a bit of anxiety, many years ago about an upcoming family reunion and how I looked. Cracks me up now because it was when I was in my early forties and looking pretty good, but the slight insecurities cropped up and I verbalized them to a therapist friend. This was not the norm for me but is, sadly in many families, lots of insecurities then fostered by unkindness.  In some families what remains in the sisters memories and traditions is a series of competitions among themselves and sometimes for attention from the parents. This is has been less true for me. I, frankly, was kind of an oblivious child and things sailed swiftly over my head. Awash in my own thoughts, it did not occur to me to see my siblings as competition. I am saddened when I hear people complain about their siblings. They suffer with either difficult sisters or ones that they have literally nothing in common except mutual antagonism. In truth what they are really suffering from is the sense that they can only be great, lovable, respected if they declare themselves "better than".

My sisters are all kind and loving and are incredibly important to me and have shaped my world. As a matter of fact, my first memories are not of my parents or grandparents but of my first artistic endeavor involving my older sister Sally. We were only five and three years old, happy to be in our new big bedroom. Our mother had hired painters to paint the upstairs bedrooms in our new house. My sister Sally, in a fit of inspiration, got our crayons and together we drew "ghosts" all over our newly painted bedroom walls. [See how I cleverly blame Sally]...Our mother was less than enchanted. Despite the fallout, I still fondly remember the sheer delight and expansiveness that I felt drawing on those walls. A million years later when we were recalling that blessed event our mother said, "I foolishly had the men come back and repaint the walls, and now that I look back on it I regret that I did that. Who cares? it was funny and cute." This is also the sister who, when at age two I dropped scissors out the window of our second floor apartment window. Sally, age four, picked me up and held me out the window by my ankles to see where the scissors had fallen. According to the story told by my mother, the woman in the apartment across the way from us, saw this daring feat and was so upset she had to stay home from work that day. Sally didn't drop me.

Sally's never dropped me and she and her whole family have remained very dear to me in my life. Sally and her family moved to the Northwest in 1969 and we found that the holidays were especially wonderful when our families combined. The holiday we most treasured was Thanksgiving. For more than thirty years either Milici's would make the two ferry, seven hour car trip to our house or we would do the same to their house. [The reality: if we'd been fabulously wealthy and could have flown the lot of us--- the trip was approximately 25 minutes by plane. We weren't wealthy.] 

The stories of these Thanksgivings are so sweet to me. We'd arrive at Sally and Dirk's house and sometimes the husbands would construct the dinner table. Another memorable time, there was an incredible snowstorm that only the young and fool hearty would tackle, [yes and yes to us], and we arrived having driven at 20 MPH around a long,long Lake Crescent where the trees were so burdened with snow they bent over into the road. Gloriously beautiful and terribly nerve wracking. Another Thanksgiving our teenage sons were bored and desperate to play chess. Once they located the chess board they couldn't find the chess pieces so they made all of the chess pieces out of cardboard. Good determination! Amazing what one can do when one is desperate.

It is well to have as many holds upon happiness as possible.               Jane Austen
Next in line of sisters is Trisha. We loved nothing better that getting up on a Saturday morning and seeing if we could dress as twins. Though she is two years younger Trisha was average sized and I was/am a shrimp so it was possible. [My mother used to look at me, sizing me up, and say, "I don't know what happened to you."] I am going to gloss over all the times I teased Trisha because when we did get along it was always adventuresome and fun. And I did eventually mature.  As we got older Trisha whose then husband used to travel to the National Guard for training in the summers would come from Chicago to the west to visit us. I was forever grateful. This enabled us to bond as mothers with our little children. She was always daring and willing. Once she traveled to the NW to see me and sister Chin and our families with all three kids under the age of six. Then her kids got sick as she was about to fly home. Trisha had the delightful experience of traveling with three kids under the age of six on the airplanes with colds and diarrhea. Adventure in the worst way.

Funny how life is. When I decided to write about how lucky I am to have these sisters,  I remembered I had to hop on my bike and ride to town for a lunch date. First stop was the post office where I had a package ready for pick up. The wrapped package was way to big for my bike so I had to open it. Lo and behold, my darling sister Trisha had sent some treasures: four journals written by our mother from the '60's to one year before her death; a Jane Austen action figure; and silver tongs for extracting sugar cubes [or holding one's nose?]. I was just able to squeeze all the contents in my pannier and rode on that  brisk sunny day to lunch with my friends. I took great delight in showing my friends the trove Trisha had sent. Out of one of the journals was library receipts. We especially got a kick out of what Mom did in her quirky way. She made notes on her library receipts about each of the books she'd read. Examples, "No!". "Good dialogue and characters". "Very odd"...etc.

Trisha and I at the Art Institute 
Now with the addition of the guitar workshop that Sally, Trisha and I go to each summer we have grown closer still and have fun in a creative environment. There is a student concert and each of us writes and performs our work. One year Trisha's song was not only praised by the teachers but also asked if she would agree to make a recording of it. These teachers were all pros or semi pros in the music industry. Quite an honor. Sally's "Time Will Tell" album and her performance of that piece was well received and sung enthusiastically by all in attendance at her student performance.

Part of the Grout, Hu, McClure tribe

It wasn't until I got married and moved to Northwest coast that I became closer to the younger sisters. Our family was divided into the older girls:  Sally, me and Trisha; then younger ones: Chin, Kathleen and Bobby. As we grew up there wasn't much interest on my part for playing games with the little ones when they were four, six and eight years younger. But as it turned out, my sister Chin moved with her two kids to our town and we began a new relationship and were in constant contact. We were mutually supportive of each other through the trials and tribulations in our late twenties and thirties. Chin produced four children two of whom live here today with their girls and it is great to be surrounded by family. Also I have the privilege of being close to my nephews and nieces who handily lived nearby. To my delight Chin has become a well regarded member of our small town especially in the affordable homes community, a musician and as an artist. She has even played the banjo and sung her original housing song in front of a Congressional committee on Affordable Homes.  Chin's a banjo aficionado and we have great fun playing together on an irregular basis.
Kathleen and me

On a sadder note, my youngest sister Kathleen died of a heart attack in April of 2019. It was so difficult to lose that funny vibrant little sister.

Although we'd only see each other sometimes as infrequently as once a year my talented, sweet little sister Kathleen was a phone call away. We'd discuss great and grave problems, trade tidbits of information on our families and share what adventures Kathleen and her family were off to next. One year she came with Sally, Trisha and I to guitar camp and she blew the roof off the joint in her student performance. Kathleen choose to play "Afro Blue" by John Coltrane and everyone was stunned by her excellent guitar and singing. I was so proud. In addition Kathleen was an artist of note. My brother in law Steve Grout, professor at a Textiles and Science institute, appraised her work and was so impressed he gave her high praise and encouragement. I still, achingly miss that dear sister.

 burying Mom

Here's an example of our joint efforts. Our mother died 2010  and her wish was that we scatter her ashes. No problem. Scatter them around Dad's grave. Ah, something of a problem, not sure if it was quite kosher at the cemetery. So we clandestinely entered the cemetery with our trowels, tiny rakes and the ashes. We dug around Dad's head stone and sneakily spread the ashes.

Above in the picture are Trisha, Sally, me and Kathleen at the scene of the crime. We never skulked through the cemetery where we placed some of Mom's ashes around Dad's tombstone we even brazenly had a small picnic. Shhh! Mom would have gotten a great kick out of us.

The photo below is of all the sibs plus niece Katie singing the Mass at Mom's memorial. The other photo is Sally, Trisha and I enroute to Guitar Camp.

I want to add, if you have a sibling that you cherish, contact them today. You never know how long they'll be around to love.

We especially love to go to Guitar camp ! together.

susansmagicfeather 2024  Susan R. Grout 

singing at Mom's Memorial

Friday, January 19, 2024

Small Town Therapist on the only way to conquer our fears

The grands many years ago, they like to make fun of fear.

I have a darling grandniece Lily. I had the pleasure of riding the ferry with her an her siblings many years ago. At the time she was two and a half years old. Lily had sparkling ice blue eyes and she was a flaxen haired sprite who melted my heart from the first time we met. I had the good fortune to ride the ferry on my way home from a doctor's appointment to ride with them and they kept me joyfully entertained the entire ride. 

One game that Lily made up was running from our booth and darting past a particularly tolerant and amused 13 year old young woman who would smile at her as she raced past,  sometimes mouthing "boo". Afterwards Lily would run into the booth giggling wildly. At about her tenth pass through I suggested to Lily that she say "hi" to her new found admirer. Lily stuck out her lower lip and put her head down. Clearly this was way too scary. But she's two so she did her tricks several times again and on the last time of her daring adventure she came bouncing back to the booth exclaiming proudly, "I said hi!" I gave her a hearty congratulations and laughed to myself.
Some people are afraid of spiders 

I had a bike accident in May of 2015. One of the unfortunate but somewhat understandable consequences of the accident was I was uneasy riding on gravel roads. Uneasy, ha, I was scared to death. 
I'm smiling but it did hurt like hell

 For many years, my husband and I biked to a cafe with our pals for breakfast, our usual Sunday jaunt. A beautiful day, dry as a bone, warm and perfect for a ride. My good friend Magsie suggested that we take an alternate route to go to the Cafe. I was game, the other five bikers opted out. We rode pleasantly on this side road for about a mile and then...it turned to gravel. Not just gravel but also washboard gravel--- with pot holes. Exactly like the road I had the accident on. Ugh. I silently held my breath and kept on talking but Magsie figured it out and said, "I bet this is hard for you."  "Well, it isn't too bad, at least it's not down hill."  Then we came to the down hill. [As I write this I noticed I'm hunching my shoulders.] Because I didn't want her to be overly concerned I pushed on, went fairly slow and then, thank god the gravel road turned into a paved portion. We met up with the others en route to the Cafe and all was well. Whew.  
Riding with pals is the best fun

I'm glad that I did that portion of gravel but I still hadn't ridden down our one mile long gravely hilly road. I must add that the county road crew had come about a month after my accident and smoothed out the worst of the bumps and washboard. So I challenged myself to ride my bike down that very road where I fell and hurt myself. I did so thinking, "I can always get off and walk if I want to". I lit out. Down the first hill muttering to myself, "that wasn't so bad", then finally I'm on the gravel hill of my nightmares. I kept internally saying, "just go slow and pay attention" and I did down the first curve, around the pot holes, down the second part of the hill and ultimately past the part of the road where I bit it and wrecked. I made it. It's as though I said "hi"! I was so proud of myself that day that I rode seven more miles. The ride ended with another gravel road that I rode down. It was actually good almost easy.

I know from my counseling others that "you must do the thing that you believe you cannot ever do"-- to paraphrase Eleanor Roosevelt. This was a very little thing but hey,  if you have a scary thing in your life and you want to get past it, you must say hi.

susansmagicfeather 2024 copyright Susan R. Grout 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Small Town Therapist on Growing Continually

Good lighting is essential when being photographed
Learn as if you are going to live forever. Live as if you are going to die tomorrow.                   Anon 
It's only when I get news that one of our colleagues is injured, sick or dead that I turn away from the mirror, examining my face with the latest wrinkle and deeply appreciate my health and the ability to enjoy the time I have left on earth. This is sad for two reasons: one, that someone I love is in trouble or gone, and two, that I am capable of being so petty. 

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep the mind young."          Henry Ford

I started thinking about this pettiness after I bought a new computer, which sounds profound---the entire world at my finger tips. Shallow in that it should include my ability and knowledge of how to best utilize this laptop. One unfortunate part of owning this tablet is that sometimes it sits in my lap. When the power is off and the screen is dark I can see my face gazing down---with each line and wrinkle outlined on the screen. Then, to make matters worse, I generally scowl at myself which only increases the temporary displeasure. Fortunately for the sentiments in the first paragraph of this post, I relish- very much- my health, my life and my loved ones.
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent- that is to triumph over old age.                      Thomas Bailey Aldrich
So I am trying to do the above, 'keep my heart unwrinkled', to stay open to new experiences and to learn things that are challenging to me. [Like learning to use the functions of the little computer, and successfully handling and finishing the writing of this book.]  

I always endeavor to be kind in all my dealings with all people I encounter. Cheerfulness is next to godliness as far as I'm concerned, even in a difficult day I can find something to be amused about, that's part of my religion. As for reverent, well, will irreverent do in a pinch? That's exactly how I plan to triumph over old age if I am lucky enough to live to a ripe old age.  I want to strive to be knowledgeable and lively and find joy in most things in life.
With two sisters at New Years

Another thought about the above list: I'm so lucky I was to be born in this country. In observing the bigger picture, we all must remember that women in other countries in the world regularly die in child birth or with some dread disease, are being sold into slavery, have little or no education, work until they drop, are beaten senseless with no repercussions, are required to be veiled, wear a burka and/or stoned to death for not wearing the burka, have no access to birth control and no choice for a husband. Whew, my good fortune to be a woman in the USA. Let's all keep working on advancing women's rights. So add this to the above list: I express gratitude each and every day for my good fortune, which is an obvious and easy way for me to triumph over ageing.

A favorite author of mine, Norah Efron died in 2013 at the somewhat young age of 71. She made fun of her own feelings about ageing in I Feel Bad About My Neck and I Remember Nothing. She wrote and amused us, even from her sick bed. Sure she made tons of money from her writings and movies [who doesn't love 'When Harry Met Sally?'], but she also opened her head and heart to us all. She wasn't a world politician, she didn't set policy, stop the war on drugs or guns, help impoverished people or find a cure for cancer, but darn it, she made us laugh. Norah will be fondly remembered for a long, long time and that is the kind of legacy that appeals to me.
 I am large I contain multitudes.    Walt Whitman

It's not the years in your life but the life in your years that counts.    Adlai Stevenson 

The last laugh
susansmagicfeather  2024 Susan R. Grout 

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Priorities for Our Country

a victim if Pompeii  


As I soothe you I surprise wounds of my own                                this long time unmothered.
from a poem by Linda McCarriston


I find it unbelievably sad that one of the richest countries in the world incarcerates the mentally ill in jails all over our country. Ask anyone who works in the prisons and they'll tell you that there are many inmates who just don't belong there. First of all the rather innocuous stoners who smoke their joints aren't really damaging anybody or anything but themselves. Hopefully this has been somewhat alleviated by states legalizing marijuana. Next up are the mentally ill who stop taking their medications and then awful things ensue for them or to them. Mostly they get taken advantage of and get arrested for being out of line. They truly are out of line and out of their minds, but no one is asking, how to help that's too complicated. What do we do with them? In the unenlightened states it's into the slammer where the possibility of treatment is zilch. [These are most of the southern states, that lean red.] This is not only sad but nutty if you do a cost analysis. This has to stop. Why is no one addressing this issue? Not sexy enough I guess. Out of sight out of mind, really simplistic thinking for an otherwise advanced society.

Of course, it goes without saying that the justice system, with rare exceptions, is definitely prejudice and the preponderance of inmates are people of color [see the Sentencing Project, a study in 1989 and the current statistics].  By way of example, take Rush Limbaugh. Even though he knowingly took many addictive prescription drugs, forged his Doctor's names on scripts, had multiple Doctors writing scripts and caused himself to become nearly deaf due to his abuse of oxycontin, was he charged by the court system? Was there jail time? No. Zero. Imagine if this was a Hispanic or African American man, do you honestly think the slap on the wrist, and no consequences would have applied? Neither do I.

There are good alternatives to incarceration for the non violent and the least of the offenders. It is easily proven that prevention programs and half way houses, whether for drug and alcohol problems or for mental illness, are far cheaper in the long run for the society. The costs of incarceration is huge, almost triple what prevention costs in all states. Yet the ones who are touting the strict punishments for the druggies and the mentally ill are, guess who? the people who profit from owning and building the prisons. This is analogous to the pharmaceutical industry  ["big Pharma"] who push the pills that they know are not effective, the pills that are only barely more effective than placebos [sugar pills] as the answer to mild and moderate depression and curing children's hyperactivity.

The drug companies would have you believe that only with their particular drug can you recover from depression. Pharmacology does have its place in psychotherapy, but significantly less than the drug companies would have you believe. As I said, the truth about antidepressants is that, in controlled studies, placebos did almost as well for mild depression. [Turner et al, University of Oregon Health and Science 2006 and a 2005 article in Scientific American]. However, pharmaceuticals is a multi-billion dollar industry and the last thing they want you to know is there's a more natural route to recovery from depression. That route  is nearly, and perhaps more effective as taking their drugs.  By the way, this is only true for mild to moderate depression, if the depression is severe, bring on the drugs.
[Caution: If you are currently taking an antidepressant and want to stop, do not cease taking your medication. Talk to your doctor about withdrawing slowly.] 
Here are some ideas that can be effective to relieve depression.
  1. Do follow a healthy, nutritious diet, be modest in your portions and don't over eat.
  2. Do at least 30 minutes of  exercise regularly [most days), which can be as simple as walking or yoga.
  3. Do have several good supportive friends in addition to family members.
  4. Do become aware and mindful in your life.
  5. Do seeking counseling when troubled.
  6. Do make sure you are amused and or laughing every day and share that with someone. 
  7. Do remember that life can surprise you and be eager to have more good times in your life, even if you are going through a rough patch.
  8. Do plan a trip even if it is to another neighborhood for the afternoon, but move the body away from staying house bound.
  9. Do go beyond yourself and help a neighbor, call a friend in need, volunteer.
  10. Do sit and let all of the sadness that is in you rise up and just watch it, don't judge it, allow it to be--- then get up and do something silly.
  11. Try meditation, yoga, swimming, dancing to still the mind and open the heart.
 No one really wants to hear what does help if it involves, well, work. This is like the people who want to lose 10 pounds in a week without altering their caloric intake or doing exercise. Bad news, nothing out there actually works without less calories and more movement. Awareness does help, knowing and being conscious of what you eat and making sure that every bite is treasured and actually good for you.
I am a human: little do I last                                                                                 and the night is enormous.
But I look up:   the stars write.                                                                          Unknowing I understand:                                                                                          I too am written and at this very moment                                                           someone spells me out.                                  Octavio Paz
We need to treasure people and remember that they are all somebody's baby and should be treated with dignity. Unfortunate genealogy, abusive homes, get rich quick schemes gone bad, dishonesty and sheer meanness exists out there. But there is a whole world of good people out there who need another chance. We need to band together and support treatment rather than incarceration. Cost wise and compassionately it makes sense. It blows me away that while there is this current slew of cost cutting going on in governmental agencies no one has the guts to well, reform the prisons, especially in regard to the mild drug abusers and the mentally ill.  Hope abounds for the ones, druggies and  the mentally ill, who are willing to walk the harder road to recovery. Some are never going to recover but at least they should be given a shot at healing and be taken care of rather than abused. God knows that some of the scarier people need to be locked up possibly forever, but let's be judicious about it.
the door is wide open, don't go back to sleep   Rumi

susansmagicfeather copyright 2024 Susan R. Grout